Information Technology
IT department is responsible for development and implementation of software across all departments of HMC. So, as to provide the citizens with better services and a dynamic and transparent administration.
Information Technology is aimed to achieve the betterment of the services being offered to the citizens by making them quick to respond and more efficient. The main objective here is to computerise various processes which are undertaken by HMC, which do not merely imply to automate this processes but necessary BPR may be called for streamlining these processes.
This includes specific initiatives introduce up-coming E-Governance System (Pourasathi).
IT Department also maintain Hardware & Network System of HMC.
Sri. Surit Kumar Mukhopadhyay E.E.(I.T.)
Objectives & Services Provided
The objectives set by the Information Technology department in coherence to its mission are summarised as below:-
⇨ To provide Better Services to the Citizen at his doorstep.ie online Tax Payment, Auto renewal of Trade Licence etc.
⇨ To reduce overall Administrative Response Time for various tasks as per citizen charter.
⇨ To reduce the Total Cost of Operations for the HMC.
⇨ To provide centrally organized Information Dissemination.
⇨ To have speedy and effective Communication System.
⇨ To establish a Knowledge Repository for various processes.
⇨ To have an effective Management Information System and Decision Support System.
The Information Technology Department carries out the below listed services dutifully so as to achieve the above set objectives with utmost effectiveness and efficiency:-
⇨ Analysis of business processes of various departments of HMC and to design the information system for the same.
⇨ Development of Computerised systems for the information systems of the departments.
⇨ Procuring the hardware and peripherals necessary to operate various computerised systems through tendering and providing it to the end users.
⇨ Procuring the pre-printed stationery necessary for various computerised systems through tendering and providing it to the end users.
⇨ Organising training of the employees and officers for subjects related to Information Technology and Computerisation.
⇨ Archiving the data and information of various computerised process to reproduce it and provide it to the end user on their demand.
⇨ Imparting training to the users of various systems developed at HMC.
⇨ Providing support and maintenance to various hardware and peripherals and to the systems developed at HMC.
⇨ Providing support and maintenance to Network System.
⇨ Designing and Development of the internet and intranet website of HMC.
IT Department (Head Qtr)
Howrah Municipal Corporation
4, M.G.Road, 4st Floor, Annexe Bldg.
Contact Us
EPABX – (+9133) 2638 3211 , 3212, 3213
Extn. of H.O.D(I.T)
Extn. of IT 252,283
Email inf.tech@myhmc.in
Upcomming Projects