Planning & Development
HMC Planning and Development is situated at the sixth floor of HMC head office Annex Building. Work for totally new project for the interest of the Civilian of HMC area.
Engineer Advisor
Assistant Engineer
Samiran Mullick
Subir Ghosh
Services Provided
- Work for new project for the interest of the Civilian of HMC area like a) Dumurjola Stadium project b) Indoor Stadium, Howrah c) HMC new office G+22 building (PPP Model) d) Sangeet Nritya Academy e) Badminton Court e) St. Mother Children Park f) AC passenger shade (Curry Road) etc.
- Booking of Sailen Manna Stadium for Super Division and 1st Division Football match, State level, District level Sports and also School Sports.
Planning & Development
Howrah Municipal Corporation
4, M.G.Road, Howrah-711101
Contact No.
Engineer Advisor
033-26383211 (Ext – 313)
033-26383211 (Ext – 285)