General Department
GENERAL (including RECORDS & DESPATCH Section)
General Dept. is the nucleus of Municipal Administration as it provides required administrative & functional support to the Board of Councillors, Mayor-in-Council, Municipal Accounts Committee, Br. Committees, Ward Committees, Road Naming Advisory Committee, Mayoral Office, Chairman’s Office, Office of the Dy. Mayor & other M.M.I.Cs & Office of the Commissioner including Jt. & Dy. Commissioner. Prime activities of this dept. are :
- Agenda preparation, Notice circulation, arrangements, Resolution drafting & its publication & Preservation of records in respect of meetings of Board of Councillors, Mayor-in-Council, Municipal Accounts Committee & Road Naming Advisory Committee (Statutory Function);
- Works related to the formation of Board of Councillors & Mayor-in-Council following Municipal General Election, Election of Mayor & Chairman in the 1st meeting of the B.O.C, organisation of Oath Taking Ceremony, issuance of Circulars regarding distribution of departments amongst the M.M.I.Cs by the Hon’ble Mayor and taking over of charge temporarily by the Dy. Mayor in absence of Mayor / Chairman respectively, Formation of the Br. Committee & election of the Chairman, election of the Municipal Accounts Committee, selection of Leader of the Opposition & Chief Whip, formation of Ward Committees; (Statutory Function);
- Release of Advertisements (Tender & others), issue of Press Communique & Press Rejoinders, liaison with the Press, maintenance of Official Facebook account and other related social media activities through the Media Cell, arrangement of Press Conference & release of Advt. Bills, preparation and maintenance of Paper Cuttings on regular basis related to HMC & Municipal Administration;
- Works related to compliance of RTI Act, 2005 & W.B.R.T.P.S. Act, 2013 through the Statutory Compliance Cell (Statutory Function);
- Works related to CENSUS Operations;
- Hospitality & Protocol Management;
- Maintenance of all telephone connections of the Corporation including release of bills, liaison with the Telecom Authority for new connection / disconnection etc;
- Routine administrative & establishment activities.
Records Section is the custodian of records pertaining to Assessment Demand Register, Birth & Death, R.O.R. etc and provides certified copies of such records to the applicants against payment of charges.
Central Despatch Section is entrusted with the tusk of receipt and issue of all official letters to and fro for the Central Office of HMC.
How to Apply
Presently Off-line; in the prescribed format to be purchased from the General Stores Dept., HMC against charges.