Survey Department
Survey Department is one of the oldest departments of this Corporation apart from all other departments. The department was formed soon after the inception of erstwhile Howrah Municipality in the year 1862 with the view to make a detail survey of the entire town of Howrah – fixing up the existing road alignment, passage, lanes and by-lanes together with demarcation of Municipality’s own land. The function of the Survey Department was further extended to take over gifted properties in favour of Howrah Municipality. Later on the detailed survey of the Howrah Municipality area was taken up between the years 1914 to 1917. Simultaneously formulating and preparations of land records pertaining to the same with respect to the holding number was undertaken by this department. Eventually the Survey Department became the custodian of land records.
Due to the advent of various activities as an Urban Local Body the functions of the Survey Department was not only restricted with the land records. Collection of parking fees through authorised vendors within the territorial limits of Howrah Municipal Corporation was entrusted with the Survey Department. Similarly, collection of fees in connection with display of advertisements through hoardings and kiosks was also added similarly as an activity of the Survey Department.
Taking necessary action against pond filling as per the statutory provisions of the West Bengal Inland Fisheries Act 1984 (as amended till date) is also the duty of the Survey Department. Granting no objection certificates to perform religious functions and other functions and meetings beside Howrah Municipal Corporation road and passage is one of the major activities of the Survey Department. There are other miscellaneous functions and activities of the Survey Department.