All Tender
1. |
Electrical Renovation Work for UPHC-6 Building at Round Tank Lane, Howrah-711101 with Main Switch, DB, MCB, Isolator, Wire Fan, Light etc under Ward No-29 of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
2. |
Improvement of Street lights with LED Street lights at different area of Borough-V under HMC.
3. |
Improvement of road by Cement Concrete work at different area under HMC.
4. |
Improvement of road by Cement Concrete work to maintain pot holes free roads at different area under HMC.
5. |
Annual Maintenance and Repairing works of Street Lighting arrangement different area of Borough-V under HMC.
6. |
Appointment of GST consultants at HMC for the period from 01/04/2025 to 31/01/2030 (FY 2025-26 to FY 2029-30)
7. |
Appointment of Income Tax Consultants at HMC for the period from 01/04/2025 to 31/01/2030 (FY 2025-26 FY 2029-30)
8. |
Appointment of EPF consultants for HMC for the period from 01/04/2025 to 31/01/2030 (work order to be issued every year on satisfactory completion of previous year).
9. |
Express of interest from the demolition contractor for demolition of unauthorized construction, unsafe building, any type of removing of hoarding and any type of demolition work due to emergency under peripheral jurisdiction of HMC for enlistment.
10. |
Improvement of road by Cement Concrete work (RMC M-40) to maintain pot holes free roads at Belilious Road from 73 Belilious Road to 129/14 Belilious Road under HMC ward no-20, Howrah (L= 460.00m, Av.W= 10.00m) (2nd Call).
11. |
Improvement of road by Cement Concrete work at various area under HMC.
12. |
Estimate for print out of property tax bill for the year 24-25.
13. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street lights at different area under HMC.
14. |
S,I,T & C of 52 HP variable refrigeration flow Air Conditioning system at Town Hall of HMC.(3rd Call)
15. |
Renovation Work with LED Light, Switch, Socket etc at the Meeting Room located at 6th Floor of Annexed Building under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
16. |
Upgradation with AMC of offline software regarding file movement/monitoring register used at BOA office, Personnel dept., Conservancy dept. and Roads & Building dept.
17. |
Repairing & renovation of road by Cement Concrete work (RMC M-25) at different area under HMC.
18. |
Comprehensive Customer Care Contract (Comprehensive rate par page) for the period of 1(one) year of 19 Nos. RICOH and 23 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 42 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different locations of HMC.
19. |
Construction of three numbers toilets, drainage system and others at Howrah District Library, Add-5/4, M.G.Road, Howrah-711101.
Defect Liability Period: 05 Years
20. |
Improvement of kancha road by Cement Concrete work at various area under HMC.
21. |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1 no. 1.5 Ton Split Air Conditioning Machine at Personnel Entry Cell located at Mezzanine Floor, Town Hall Building under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
22. |
Supply and Installation of LED street lights at different area under HMC.
23. |
S,I,T & C of 52 HP variable refrigeration flow
Air Conditioning system at Town Hall of HMC.
(2nd Call)
24. |
Supply and Installation of LED Street Lights at different area under HMC.
25. |
Invitation of expression of interest for operation & maintenance of the "Food Court" of the food court" of the city livelihood center (SWABHIMAN) of NULM dept., HMC located at the premises of the HMC central office.
26. |
Invitation of expression of interest for operation & maintenance of the third "MAA Canteen" located at the premises of the howrah district hospital in ward no. 29, under HMC.
27. |
Annual M & R works of Electrical Equipments of Sailen Manna Stadium Club House under HMC for 1 (One) Year.
28. |
Maintenance and Repairing of LED Street Light at different area under HMC.
29. |
Improvement of lights with LED street lights at various ward under HMC.
30. |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1 no. 1.0 Ton Split Air Conditioning Machine at the Chamber of Executive Engineer (Building Department), 4th Floor of Annexe Building under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
31. |
upply & Installation of 1 No Mini High Mast at Tripura Roy Lane under Ward No-11 of HMC at A.C 170 in MPLAD Scheme.
32. |
Hire charges for S & F of Temporary flood lighting and chain light arrangement for beautification at Eco Park, Howrah & Approach road under Ward No-43 & 49 of H.M.C for Winter Carnival.
33. |
Comprehensive Customer Care Contract (Comprehensive rate par page) for the period of 1(one) year of 19 Nos. RICOH and 23 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 42 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different locations of HMC
34. |
Sealed quotations are invited from the reputed resourceful & bonafide suppliers/manufacturer/agencies etc. by the under signed supply of the items such as umbrella(big), life jacket, helmet etc. as per general terms and conditions.
35. |
Supply, installation, erection and
commissioning of online chlorination plant at
Fansitala under Howrah Water Works
Padmapukur Plant.
36. |
Supply of 30 MT of part thereof liquid
chlorine confirming to IS:646-1986 (2nd Rev
Amdt.-1, reaffirmed 1991) purity of 99.80%
at HWWPP. (2nd Call)
37. |
Annual O & M of Electrical Equipments at Centre of Excellencxe for Special Children named "Saksham" under HMC.
38. |
Supply and Installation of LED Street Lights at different area under HMC.
39. |
Improvement of roads/lanes by cement concrete work at various ward of borough V under HMC.
40. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
41. |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1 no. 2.0 Ton Split Air Conditioning Machine at Commissioner’s Clerk Room under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
42. |
supply & installations of ink (refilling / reconditioning) of toner and also maintenance support including all ancillary spare parts of following HP & OTHERS make printers under Howrah Municipal Corporation from the reputed resourceful and bonafide Suppliers / Agencies having experience in the supply & installations of ink refilling / reconditioning and also maintenance support of various types printers.
43. |
Supply & Installation and Improvement of LED Street Lights at various area under HMC.
44. |
Maintenance support including all ancillary spare parts of various type and various make of Branded Desktop Computers as per mentioned list.
45. |
Maintenance support including all ancillary spare parts for BROTHER make all model Scanner cum LaserJet printer.
46. |
Maintenance support including all ancillary spare parts for PANTUM all model model Scanner cum LaserJet printer.
47. |
Comprehensive Customer Care Contract (Comprehensive rate par page) for the period of 1(one) year of 19 Nos. RICOH and 23 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 42 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different locations of HMC.
48. |
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of 49 nos. new LAN points at Engineering Department along with different dept., Annex Building of Head Office, HMC
49. |
Improvement Work, Supply and Installation of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
50. |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 1 no. 2.0 Ton Split Air Conditioning Machine at the VVIP Room of Sailen Manna Stadium Club House under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
51. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
52. |
Supply, improvement and Installation of LED Street Lights at various area under HMC.
53. |
Temporary Lighting arrangement with 400 Watt Metal Halide Light/ 200 Watt LED Flood Light fittings with all accessories and also Supply and Installation of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
54. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street & Mini High Mast Light at various ward under HMC.
55. |
Improvement and Supply, Installation Work of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
56. |
Non Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (Without Spares) of total Local Area Network (LAN) System at Head Office of HMC for the period of one year.
57. |
Comprehensive annual maintenance contract & hosting of existing scheme monitoring system - "POUROBIKSHAN" on cloud server for Howrah Municipal Corporation.
58. |
Supply, installation and commissioning of IT network infrastructure backbone at Annex Building including town hall & collection building of head office.
59. |
Annual operation and maintenance of the system online chlorination for
the purifying the water of Deep tube well situated at various area under HMC.
60. |
Annual maintenance and repairing work of street lighting at various area under HMC.
61. |
Improvement of Roads by Cement Concrete at various area under HMC.
62. |
Beautification of Sreepurna park (Phase-VI)
with LED lighting at Forshore Road (PhaseIII) under H.M.C.
63. |
Improvement of road by Cement Concrete work
with repairing of drain at various area under HMC.
64. |
65. |
Improvement of Roads by Cement Concrete at various area under HMC.
66. |
Annual operation and maintenance of zonal chlorination plant of PM basti Shibpur under HMC.
67. |
Improvement of Water Supply and Emergent work for SK Para Pump House at various ward under HMC.
68. |
Supply & Installation of LED Flood Lights at
Bantra Burial Ground (41, M.S.P.C
Lane,Howrah-1) under Ward No-22 of
69. |
Construction of New Classroom at Howrah Jogesh
Chandra Girls School 20, G.T Road(s), Howrah711101.
70. |
Construction of Road by cement concrete work at various area under HMC.
71. |
Supply & Installation of LED
Underwater light and other necessary
electrical works at Koipukur
Swimming pool under Ward No- 32
of HMC.
72. |
Supply & Installation of LED at various area under HMC.
73. |
Supply & Installation of LED at various area under HMC.
74. |
Renovation of Underground drainage Drain at various area under HMc.
75. |
Procurement of Advanced Manhole Cleaning
Robot along with Operation and
Maintenance for 2 Years
76. |
Construction of service corridor over existing drain for
removal of sludge under HMC.
77. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing of 3
Nos. Window & 1 No. Split A.C.
Machines at DSCGL under Health
Department for 01 Year.
78. |
Improvement of Street Lights with LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
79. |
Improvement work of LED Street lights
at various area under HMC.
80. |
Removing of Trident Pole at in front
of a Garage at 30, Onkar Mal Jetia
Road, Ward No-40 of H.M.C
81. |
Printing & supply of Pocket Booklet and Booklet
82. |
Supply and installation of LED street lights at various area under HMC.
83. |
Supply , Installation and fitting of Exterior LED
colored display at various ward under HMC.
84. |
FRESCO painting on outside wall and inside column (four side) of proposed flower market at Howrah hat complex ground under HMC.
85. |
86. |
87. |
Data entry of forms of various types.
88. |
Construction of covered garbage Vat under HMC.
89. |
Supply & Installation of 4 Nos 200
Watt LED Flood Lights at Tibbatibaba
Mandir under Ward No-42 of H.M.C.
90. |
Repairing and Renovation of HT Panel
Room at CWPS, Padmapukur Water
Treatment Plant of HWW.
91. |
Construction of Concrete road at various area under HMC (3rd call).
92. |
Construction of street Garden at 354, G.T. Road
(South) under ward no -40, HMC. (3
rd Call)
93. |
Fitting and fixing of gate along with allied work at various area under HMC.
94. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street
Lights at C.T.I Road near Bharat
Mata Shakti Sangha Club under HMC.
95. |
Repairing of pot-holes & ditches of Bituminous
road to maintain pot-holes free road at Mahendra
Bhattacharjee Road, Sastri Narendranath Ganguly
Road, Ram Charan Seth Road & Round Tank Lane
under HMC ward no-29,42,43,44 & 48 Howrah.
Adm. Approval No: COF/AA/23-24/549
Adm. Approval Date: 07.07.2023
96. |
Purchase of 01 Nos. (1.0 Ton)
Window type Air Conditioning
Machine at EPABX (Telephone
Department). (Supply, Installation
Testing & Commissioning of 1 No.
1.0 Ton Window type Air
Conditioning Machine at EPABX
Room under Howrah Municipal
97. |
Construction of proposed Urban Health & Wellness Centre
(UH&WC) at various ward under HMC.
98. |
pecial Repairing works for outside metal lights at Salkia
Creamatorium under- H.M.C
99. |
Supply & Installation of LED 45 Watt Street Lights at different places under HMC.
100. |
Construction of New Drain at various area under HMC.
101. |
Improvement of Water Supply by Laying of new 300 mm dia DI pipeline
providing Valves, including Road Restoration work and other allied
works from the Junction of Drainage Canel Road and Kamardanga Road
(near Ichapur Water Tank) upto Railway crossing of Arupara under ward
no -49 of HMC.(SWM & WATER FUND)
102. |
mprovement of Water Supply with New Laying of 200 mm dia
D.I. pipe providing Valves including Road restoration and other
allied works from 59, Panchanantala Road to 65, Nilmani Mallick
Lane under ward no- 19 of HMC.(SWM & WATER FUND)
103. |
New mobile phones purchased for Grivance cell.
104. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street
Lights at Hara Chand Mukherjee
Lane under Ward No-20 of H.M.C.
105. |
Improvement of Chandmari Road by Mastic
Asphalt from Hanskhali Pole Borobabar mandir to
Hindustan Engineering & Industries Ltd. Under
ward no-45 HMC [L= 200.00m, Av.W= 8.00m].
Adm. Approval No: COF/AA/23-24/45
106. |
Supply of 24 MT or part thereof liquid
chlorine conforming to IS:646-1986 (2nd
Rev, Amdt – I, reaffirmed – 1991)
purity of 99.80% at HWWPP (2nd Call)
107. |
Construction of Road by cement concrete work at
Amal Kundu Colony i.e H/o Basudeb Kundu to H/o
Chandana Pramanik, under HMC Ward no-46,
Howrah. Length-110 m, width- 2.6m
Adm. Approval No: 460/Plan
108. |
Repairing of road to maintain pothole free road at various ward under HMC.
109. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street lights at various ward under HMC.
110. |
Annual Operation of Pump for the Deep Tube wells at various area under HMC.
111. |
Improvement of water supply with New Laying of 110 mm dia HDPE pipe line including road restoration works at various area under HMC.
112. |
Reinstatement of LED Bollard Light at
Sreepurna park (Phase-I) adjacent to Forshore
Road under H.M.C.
113. |
Renovation of Road by 60 mm. Paver
Block, at eastern side of Clear Water
Pumping Station, Howrah Water
Works, Padmapukur, HMC
114. |
Supply of Machinery & Labour for cutting, shifting &
removing of fallen trees on thunderstorm, cyclone on
emergency basis during period of 6 months for Zone - 2
(Ward no. - 17 to 31, 48, 50), under HMC
115. |
Improvement of Road by Cement Concrete (RMC)
work at various ward under HMC.
116. |
Distribution Wiring at Newly
Proposed Store Room beside
Workshop Department of Head
Office under Howrah Municipal
117. |
Data entry of forms of various type.
118. |
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Air Pollution
Control System of Wooden Pyres including construction of
water reservoir, shed and submersible pump at Shibpur
Burning Ghat.
119. |
Annual maintenance of campus area of
Howrah Water Works Padmapukur by
way lawn and flower bed maintenance,
sweeping of roads, cleaning of drains,
removed of undesirable growth etc. and
also including of undesirable growth in
the campus of Raw Water Pumping
Station within A.J.C Bose Botanical
120. |
Supply of 75 MT Ferric Alum or part
thereof conforming to IS: 299-2012,
Grade - IV 5
th revision at Howrah Water
Works Serampore and Padmapukur (4
121. |
Supply of 24 MT or part thereof liquid
chlorine conforming to IS:646-1986 (2nd
Rev, Amdt – I, reaffirmed – 1991)
purity of 99.80% at HWWPP
122. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance of Banstala Electric
Crematorium & Air Pollution Control Unit for 1 (One)
Years under H.M.C
123. |
Data entry of forms of various type.
124. |
Construction of Marking Boundary wall at Sailen
Manna Stadium, Under H.M.C. Ward No.- 29.
Adm. Approval No: COF/AA/23-24/243
125. |
Laying of new 400 Dia D.I. Distribution Pipeline from Hazar
Haath Kalitola upto the junction of Ramkrishnapur Lane with
interconnections at the junctions of Olabibitola Lane, Naskarpara
Lane, Chandra Kumar Banerjee Lane, Nilratan Mukherjee Road,
including other allied works in ward nos. 25, 26 & 32 under
126. |
Annual Checking of Water Supply Pressure Point on Primary Grid at
following locations at South Zone & Central Zone of HMC 1)
Padmapukur Plant Inside Point 2) Outside of Padmapukur Plant Gate 3)
Danesh Sk. Lane near Penguin Restaurant 4) Railway Quarter near
College Ghat Road 5) Behind Padmapukur Plant. 6) Near Carry Road
South Eastern Railway Line 7) Near Belepole Junction 8) Near Indira
Gandhi Statue (near the junction of Natabar Paul Road & East West
127. |
Improvement of Water Supply with cleaning , washing and relaying of
existing 100 mm dia C.I pipe line with proper levelling with other allied
works at various ward under HMC.
128. |
Renovation of drain from Daya Ram Naskar
Lane to 29, Daya Ram Naskar Lane via 17/1,
17/2,17/3, Daya Ram Naskar Lane within ward
no -2 under HMC.
129. |
Cleaning embankment of Ganga from Shibpur
Ghat to Nazirgang Ghat, for 4 months, under
HMC.Construction of Road at Old B.T.G, Length of
Road 310 Mtr. under HMC
130. |
Desilting of drains at1) 32, BajeShibpur Road to 24/1
, Shibtola Lane,2)16, Koipukur Lane to 72, Dayal
Banerjee Road,3)1, RammohanMukherjeeLane to 52,
BajeShibpur road, Under ward 32, H.M.C.
131. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance of 02 Nos each of 10.5
cum capacity portable compactor and 1 No. hook loader
at Belilious Road -East West Road Crossing Compactor
Station Howrah. Ward No -17 under H.M.C.
Adm. Approval No: COF/AA/2022-23/574
132. |
Supply & Installation of
“Blue Star” make water
Cooler (Model: PC240)
at Borough-VII Office
133. |
Supply & Installation of “Blue Star” make water Cooler (Model: PC240) at Borough-VII Office
134. |
Deselting of Drain at various area under HMC.
135. |
Comprehensive Customer Care Contract (Comprehensive rate par page) for the period of 1(one) year of 33 Nos. RICOH and 22 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 55 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different locations of HMC.
136. |
Comprehensive Customer Care Contract (Comprehensive rate par page) for the period of 1(one) year of 33 Nos. RICOH and 22 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 55 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different locations of HMC.
137. |
Invitation of Expression of Interest for Operation & Maintenance of the Second Shelter for Urban Homeless(SUH) of the HMC at 1/1 Kissanlal Burman Road, Bandhaghat, Howrah - Reg.
138. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance for
Electrical & Sound system of Town hall
for 1 year under HMC.
139. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street
Light at various ward under HMC.
140. |
Supply of Machinery & Labour for cutting, shifting &
removing of fallen trees on thunderstorm, cyclone on
emergency basis during period of 6 months at various area under HMC.
141. |
Supply of Spare parts, Tools and Planks of Tube well and Pipeline for repairing works under Borough - VII office for Ward No: 43, 48, 49, 50
142. |
Annual Maintenance Service Contract for Air Conditioning System Equipments for 163 Nos. different capacity Split, Window and Ductable type A.C. Machines located at Annexe Building, Collection Building and Town Hall Building, HMC for 1(One) year. (2nd Call)
143. |
Comprehensive Customer Care Contract (Comprehensive rate par page) for the period of 1(one) year of 33 Nos. RICOH and 22 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 55 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different locations of HMC.
144. |
Comprehensive Customer Care Contract (Comprehensive rate par page) for the period of 1(one) year of 33 Nos. RICOH and 22 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 55 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different locations of HMC (3rd Call).
145. |
Distribution wiring in proposed UPHC
Building at Padmapukur (Outside of
Padmapukur Water Treatment Plant) with
Main Switch, DB, MCB, Isolator, Fan,
Light, A.C, Starter,Pump etc under
Howrah Municipal Corporation.
146. |
Upliftment and decorative work of main
entrance lobby of Sarat Sadan Auditorium under
147. |
Quotation notice for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of IT Network Infrastructure backbone at Annex Building including Town Hall & Collection Building of Head Office, HMC.
148. |
Supply , Installation and commissioning of 1 no
new pit less type 60 t capacity unmanned Weigh
Bridge at Belgachia Trenching Ground, under
Howrah Municipal Corporation.
149. |
Desalting of Drain at various area under HMC.
150. |
Annual Maintenance service contract
for voltas make 11.0 TR x 2 nos and
3.75 TR x 1 no Ductable split air
conditioning unit installed at Collection
Bldg. of Howrah Municipal
151. |
Yearly requirement of 250 MT or part thereof Poly
Aluminium Chloride (PAC) 10% HB as per IS:
15573:2005 at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur
152. |
Improvement of Abinash Banerjee Lane by Cement
Concrete (RMC) work from 15, Abinash Banerjee
Lane to 15/17, Abinash banerjee Lane under ward
no-33, HMC [L= 100.00m] (2
nd Call).
Adm. Approval No: COF/AA/22-23/761
153. |
Construction of Cement Concrete road at Khayer
Bagan from Sovon Hazra’s house to Debasis Rit’s
house under ward no-48 (BEUP)
154. |
epairing of Roads, Lanes and Drains at 122, G.T.
Road (Offshort lane), Offshort Lanes at Charu
Chandra Singha Lane, Uma Charan Bose Lane,
Nrisingha Bose Lane (all Offshort Lanes) at different
locations under Ward No. 30, Borough - V, H.M.C.
155. |
Applcations are invited m presCribed Pro-forma on behalf of the Commissioner, Howrah Municipal
tatom trom tne niending bxa-fide mdividual adult citizen o ndia. prelerably having residence wtnin h
IMC area and prevtnus Cxperience/ exposure in Flower Market industry Tor allotment of Stals on montniy reit basis
tor a fixed tenure. presently tor I (onc) year & subject to further renewal on conditional basis, in the newly constructed
Modern Slate-ot the-Art Muncipal Flower Market "Bitan at the above-mentioned address details of whiclh are
mentioned here-under
156. |
Desilting of surface drain round the year
time to time at various points of
Padmapukur Water Treatment Plant
157. |
Construction of Road at various road under HMC.
158. |
Repairing of cement concrete road at various location of Borough -IV under HMC.
159. |
Yearly requirement of 250 MT or part there of poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) 10% as per IS: 15573:2005 at Howrah water works Padmapukur.
160. |
Improvement of light with LED Street
light at Different Location under Ward
No.47 of H.M.C.
161. |
Construction of Road by Cement Concrete work at various ward under HMC.
162. |
Dlink DFE -855MI media converter, 8 port mbps switch, CAT 6 UTP cable etc. require for I.T. department under HMC.
163. |
Port gigabite switch, CAT 6 UTB Cable, LAN Back Box Etc. require for IT department under HMC.
164. |
House service connection of 4843 nos of premises with
metering arrangement including all mending good
damage at various ward under HMC.
165. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street
Light at various area under HMC.
166. |
Supply , Installation and commissioning of 1 no
new pit less type 60 t capacity unmanned Weigh
Bridge at Belgachia Trenching Ground, under
Howrah Municipal Corporation.
Adm. Approval No: COF/AA/22-23/489, Date: 27.06.2022
167. |
Construction of street and Renovation of Drain at various area under HMC.
168. |
Dismantling of existing Pole and
Supply & Installation of 1 No. new
9.0 Mtr. Long Pole at the opposite of
Kona Howrah Haat Project site
entrance Gate at Unsani (Mouza)
under Ward No- 46 of HMC
169. |
Renovation of Existing Poly Clinic & Diagnostic Centre at various area under HMC.
170. |
Estimate for Jungie Cutting,Cleaning
work at Bantra Burial Ground under HMC.
171. |
Improvement of Road by Cement Concrete (RMCM-30) work at Khejurtala (part) from culvert to
Kali Mandir under ward no-46 (2nd Call).
172. |
Construction of Cement Concrete road at various area under HMC.
173. |
Supply & Installation of LED Mini
High Mast (1Pcs) at Sailo kumar
Mukherjee Road (near St. Hallen
School) underWard No- 13 (HMC) of
north howrah A.C under BEUP
174. |
Yearly requirement of 250 MT or
part thereof Poly Aluminium
Chloride (PAC) 10% as per IS:
15573:2005 at Howrah Water
Works Padmapukur
175. |
upply & Installation of 1 No. 8
Meter Pole near ADS Hospital 7/2/1,
Mackenzie Lane, Howrah-711101
under HMC.
176. |
Comprehensive customer care contract (Comprehensive rate per page) for the period of 1(one) year of 33 Nos. RICHO and 22 Nos. TOSHIBA in total 55 Nos. Digital Copier Machines installed at different location of HMC.
177. |
Pantum toner refilling.
178. |
Re-construction of store room within Borough - IV office.
179. |
Annual maintenance of Electro mechanical works including
other allied works of Deep Tube Wells at 1) Balitikuri
Beltala w-50 2) Kona Hospital w-50, 3) Puilya Pump
House w-46, 4) Jatadhari Park, Salkia, w- 05 of HMC
area.(15th FC SWM)
180. |
The work for Improvement of Lane by cement concrete,
maintaining pothole free lanes at PM Bustee 4th Bye Lane
under Ward No - 31, Borough - V, HMC (2nd Call)
181. |
Repairing & Renovation of
Courtyard & Repairing of
Drain Cover by RCC Slab
at Borough - VII office
182. |
Removing of Trident Light Pole in
front of the gate in the project Multi
facility Community Hall (B+G+7) at
Ichapur Water Tank Land, HIT
Scheme-I, Ichapur, Howrah (Phase-I)
under Ward No-23 of HMC.
183. |
Construction work Salkia Sri Krishna Vidayalaya at 21, 1/1, 24 Tripura Roy Lane, Salkia Howrah-711106 under North Howrah Assembly Constituency.
184. |
Construction of Road at various area under HMC.
185. |
House service connection of 5135,4317,3482 nos of premises
with metering arrangement including all mending
good damage for Ward No 40,41,42 Zone-5,6,7 of
HMC under Amrut 2.0
186. |
Hire charge of 1 Nos. D-80 Bulldozer machine &
1 Nos. Ex-200 Excavator machine with operation
& maintenance along with fuel & lubricants at
Old BTG for 1 year (2
nd Call)
187. |
Electrical renovation works in Store
Department, Collection Building Ground
Floor with MCB, Wire, Fan, Light, AC
etc under Howrah Municipal Corporation
Head Office.
188. |
Improvement of Street Lights with
LED Street Lights at K Road,J
Road,H Road,F Road,L Road,N
Road,G Road,P Road under Ward
No-8 of H.M.C. (Phase-II)
189. |
Supply of Electrical Materials as per
BOQ for Howrah Municipal
Corporation for the Year 2022-2023.
190. |
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 30 mtr long self supported chimney in Banstala Burning Ghat.
191. |
Construction of proposed Urban Health & Wellness Centre(UHWC) with electrical work at various ward under H.M.C.
192. |
Supply of Electrical Materials as per BOQ for Howrah Municipal Corporation for the Year 2022-2023.
193. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance under H.M.C.
194. |
Repairing of Road by Cement Concrete work & laying of Paver Block to maintain pot holes free road in various ward under H.M.C.
195. |
196. |
Cleaning of sludge and construction of new drain & Renovation of Pump Station & Dewatering by pumps under H.M.C. in various ward.
197. |
Construction of footpath at Duke Road under HMC ward no-35
198. |
Construction of Road by Cement Concrete Work in various ward under H.M.C.
199. |
Supply of 2000 Bags (25kg each) Bleaching Powder
ISI:1065:1989(Gr-II) for Conservancy Department for
the year 2022-2023 in ward no 1 to 50 under HMC , to
be supplied at various Sector /Office as per
requirement in phases.
200. |
Construction & Renovation of Drain at various area under HMC.
201. |
Renovation of Drain (1) 1, Nandi Bagan bye Lane,
to 32 Nandi Bagan bye Lane (2) 14/1/11, Sitanath
Bose Lane to 11/2, Sitanath Bose Lane within
ward no -10 under HMC.(2nd Call)
202. |
Renovation & Desilting of Drain at various area under HMC.
203. |
Supply & Installation of LED
Street Lights with Pole in
Different Places of H.M.C.
(Under Green City Mission)
204. |
Supply, Fitting & Fixing of LED
Street Light (45 Watt) in existing
Poles at different Roads and Places
within Howrah Municipal
Corporation (under Green City
205. |
upply of 75 MT Ferric Alum or part
thereof conforming to IS: 299-2012,
Grade - IV 5
th revision at Howrah Water
Works Serampore and Padmapukur (2nd
206. |
Renovation of Drain from Back side of Victory Iron Works and New cross drain and repairing of drain guard wall with
cross drain raising at various ward under HMC.
207. |
Supply & Installation of 30 Nos. LED
Street lights at various ward under HMC.
208. |
Replacement of old, worn-out and
damaged high voltage (PLC) cable with
new XLPE high voltage of proper
insulation at CWPH (all 9 nos motors
except 7 & 9) of HWWPP (3
rd Call).
209. |
Annual Operation of Pump for the Deep Tube well at various ward under HMC.
210. |
Road restoration work by cement concrete at various area under HMC.
211. |
Supply & Installation of 2 Nos. LED
Street Lights at Sialdanga (Opposite
Goli of Echo Gas) under Ward No-49
of H.M.C.
212. |
Supply, Installation and
Commissioning of Sound System at
Howrah Town Hall under Howrah
Municipal Corporation.
213. |
Supply of Spare
parts & tools &
Planks of Tube well
& Pipeline works of
Borough-VII (PhaseII)
214. |
Boundary wall maintain, plantation of trees under HMC.
215. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street lights at Different Location at various ward under HMC.
216. |
Annual Maintenance and Repairing works of street lighting arrangement at various ward under HMC.
217. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance work of street & other Lighting system at various ward under HMC.
218. |
219. |
Renovation of Drain, Repairing of 3nos.covered garbage vat in various ward under HMC.
220. |
Improvement of Road by Cement Concrete ,Construction of Concrete Road in various ward, under HMC.
221. |
222. |
223. |
Improvement of Roads and drain with other ancilliary work Ward no 15. under Borough-II H.M.C. ( 2nd Call )
224. |
Supply at Site of HDPE Plastic Green & Blue colored Household Bins with cover. of 10 ltrs & 100ltrs Capacity under HMC.
225. |
Apropos above, sealed Items rate Quotations are invited i.e. Puff Rice, Sattu, Biscuits etc. under HMC.
226. |
Fitting and fixing of MS Gate (2nd call) at various ward under HMC.
227. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street lights at various ward under HMC.
228. |
House service connection of 3000 nos of premises at Ward No 45(Part) ,46(Part), 47(Part), 48(Part), 49(Part), 50(Part) for compatible (added area) Zone-1of HMC under Amrut 2.0
229. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance of 03 No.s each of 10.5 cum capacity portable compactor and 1No. hook loader at H.I.T. Fish Market, Compactor Station Howrah. Ward No -14 under H.M.C. (2nd Call).
230. |
Construction of boundary wall and gate, Purchase of an UV-Spectrometer for water testing laboratory, Repairing and overhauling including supply fitting, fixing of old damage 600 mm. NRV (1 No.) at Shibpur B Garden intake Pump House etc at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur Plant and (Serampore Water Works
231. |
Improvement of Abinash Banerjee Lane by Cement
Concrete work from H/no-21/2/2 to 21/14 Abinash
Banerjee Lane under ward no-42 (L= 193.00m,
Av.W= 4.50m] (2nd Call).
232. |
Supply & Installation of Flood Lights at Alamohan Das Play Ground at various ward under HMC.
233. |
Dismantling of Street Light Pole & Feeder Piller Box and Supply & Installation of New Feeder Piller Box at Benaras Road near proposed G.P.S Memorial School Ground under Ward No- 8 of H.M.C.
234. |
Supply of . High Flow Suction cum High Pressure Water Jetting Machine mounted on HCV Chassis -25 Ton/19 Ton for 10 Days on Rent basis. for ward no 1 to 50 under HMC.
235. |
Supply, Installation & improvement of LED Street lights at various ward under HMC.
236. |
Preparation of DPR for rejuvenation of water body at various ward under HMC.
237. |
Patch repairing and ancillary work at various lanes & bye lanes (including repairing of drains) in various ward under HMC.
238. |
Renovation of Drain & Raising of Manhole at various area under HMC.
239. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street lights at various ward under HMC.
240. |
Desilting of Drain at various ward under HMC.
241. |
Supply & Installation of 57 Nos. LED Panel Light at Health Department in Annexe Building 1st Floor under H.M.C. Head Office.
242. |
Supply of 75 MT Ferric Alum or part thereof conforming to IS: 299-2012, Grade - IV 5th revision at Howrah Water Works Serampore and Padmapukur.
243. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing works of Electrical Equipments of Borough-VII office Building including Bangla Sahayata Kendra under HMC
244. |
Fitting and fixing of MS Gate under Conservancy Department, HMC
245. |
Supply of 2 nos. Software Service, 2 nos. Mini Computer and 2 nos. Sim Based Router Required for 2 nos. exterior coloured display LED board under Conservancy Department HMC.
246. |
Cleaning of jungle under Engineering Department ( Parks & Garden)
247. |
Repairing of grill and painting work under Engineering Department ( Parks & Garden Department)
248. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance under Conservancy Department. HMC.
249. |
Construction of Concrete Road, Estimate for Bamboo pile walling made, Improvement of Road by Cement Concrete ,Renovation of drain patch etc under Roads dept. HMC.
250. |
Supply of 50 MT Ferric Alum conforming to IS 299-2012, Grade - IV 5th revision at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur and Sreerampore (WWPP)
251. |
The work for Improvement of Lane by cement concrete, maintaining pothole free lanes under Borough - V, HMC
252. |
The work for Repairing of roads, drain side walls, slabs, blocked drain, Supply of Steel Almirah and Steel Racks etc under Borough 5
253. |
Patch repairing at various ward under HMC.
254. |
Removal of Structure of Durga, Laxmi, Kali, Jagadhatri & Saraswati Idols from different 8 nos. of Ganga Ghats & 10 nos. ponds & picking up, caring and dumping of the materials at B.T.G related to immersion and puja offering materials dumped beside the ghats of the river & ponds within 24 hours for the years 2022-23, ward no 1 to 50 under H.M.C.
255. |
Supply, installation and replacement of street light at various ward under HMC.
256. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance of 03 No.s each of 10.5 cum capacity portable compactor and 1No. hook loader at H.I.T. Fish Market, Compactor Station Howrah. Ward No -14 under H.M.C.
257. |
Maintenance and repairing of LED & HPSv/HPIT street light at various area under HMC.
258. |
Beautification of park with LED lighting at various area under HMC.
259. |
Supply and installation of LED Flood Light for outside lighting and Distribution wiring in Office Room, Meter cum Panel Room, Kitchen, Security Room, North East side of the flower market & Toilet of newly proposed Flower Market at "A" Block, Ground Floor, Howrah Haat Complex in 28,Nityadhan Mukherjee Road,Howrah-711101 with Main Switch, DB, MCB, Fan, Light, Cable etc under Ward No-29 of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
260. |
Construction of Concrete Road with drain at various ward under HMC.
261. |
Repairing of Jet Cum Suction Machine and Supply & Operation of 1 no. High Flow Suction cum High Pressure Water Jetting Machine mounted on HCV under HMC.
262. |
Annual Electrical Maintenance of street light and other lighting system at various ward under HMC.
263. |
264. |
265. |
Improvement of Water Supply with cleaning, washing with proper levlling dia exsiting C.I pipe with other allied works at various ward under HMC.
266. |
Renovation of Drains at various ward under HMC.
267. |
Repairing of cement concrete road at various ward under HMC.
268. |
Improvement of Road by Cement Concrete work at various ward under HMC.
269. |
Lifting, Washing & Cleaning of Night Soil accumulated in septic tank / any other public latrine /places on various Roads, Lanes, Bye Lanes of the Land of the H.M.C. area by Cesspool Vehicle and unload the same at B.T. Ground. For 1 year
270. |
Supply and Installation of 1 nos new pit less type 60 ton Weigh Bridge at Belgachia Trenching Ground, under Howrah Municipal Corporation (2nd Call).
271. |
Renovation & Disilting of Cover Slab Drain at various ward under HMC.
272. |
Development and Beautification of Bakultala Park at Kasundiya within H.M.C. Ward no – 25
273. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights at various area under HMC.
274. |
Construction of brick wall, slab and passage back side of electric crematorium and allied works at salkia bandhaghat crematorium under HMC.
275. |
Purchase of consumable items for four teams of J.D.J.B Department.
276. |
Maintenance and Repairing of LED & HPSV/ HPIT street light at various street under HMC.
277. |
Supply of 40 (forty) MT or part thereof liquid chlorine conforming to IS;646-1986(2nd Rev. amdt-1, reaffirmed-1991), purity of 99.80% at HWWPP (3rd Call).
278. |
Renovation of existing Drain at various ward under HMC.
279. |
New construction of road ( concrete ) and allied works at various ward under HMC.
280. |
Supply of 200 MT or part thereof Ferric Alum conforming to IS: 299:2012, Grade – IV at HWW Padmapukur.
281. |
Desilting of drain at various ward under HMC.
282. |
Distribution Wiring at CLC Office, DisplayCenter, Food Corner, Driver Room, Godown, Ambulance Room in front of Collection Building of Head Office with A.C, Fan, Light, Switch etc under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
283. |
Improvement of “F” Road by Cement Concrete Work (R.M.C) from weighs Bridge up to Jheel Road, In ward no. - 08, under HMC.
284. |
Overhauling of stator, re-staggering and re-barring of rotor of a 425 KW , 6 KV 988 RPM “KEC” make squirrel cage motor ( Sl No. 3097602-3) of CWPS at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
285. |
Removal of Carcass from different Points within the area of H.M.C. (Ward No -1 to50) and unloaded the same at Belgachia Trenching Ground of H.M.C. by suitable covered vehicles (app. By Govt.).
286. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street lights at various area under HMC.
287. |
Hire charge of 1 no Long Boom Excavator machine with operation & maintenance along with fuel & lubricants at BTG for 1 year.
288. |
Construction of new Drain from 55/1, Bangal Para 2nd Bye Lane to 69/1, Bagal Para 2nd Bye Lane, Under H.M.C.Ward No.41.
289. |
Extension of Forcemain Pipe Line and 2 Renovation of Cross Drain and Drain Guard Wall at various ward under HMC.
290. |
Desilting & Renovation of Drain at various ward under HMC.
291. |
Supply of Mojdoor for cleaning various wards under HMC area. (2nd Call)
292. |
Supply of machinery & labour for cutting shifting & removing of fallen trees on thunderstorm , cyclone on emergency basis during period of 6 months Zone -3 under HMC.
293. |
Supply of machinery & labour for cutting shifting & removing of fallen trees on thunderstorm , cyclone on emergency basis during period of 6 months Zone -1 and Zone - 2 under HMC.
294. |
Improvement of "O" Road by Mastic Asphalt from jn. of Benaras Road to Chakpara fish market, under ward no-08 (l= 850.00m, Av.W= 6.20m) (2nd Call)
295. |
Lifting & Removing of Daily Garbage etc. Accumulated from vats dumping yard containers and other place on roads under HMC.
296. |
Annual maintenance of Chirstial Burial ground and Salkia burning ghat (Bandhaghat) surrounding area under HMC.
297. |
Repair of roof, beams, inside and outside plaster of DSR room and supply, installation, testing of 1.5 ton air condition machine at Banstala burning ghat under HMC.
298. |
Installation of new 750 mm dia Sluice Valve near the junction of Ananta Dev Mukherjee & Kashinath Chatterjee Lane with other allied works under ward no – 33 of HMC.
299. |
Improvement of water supply with laying of 110 mm dia HDPE pipe line from 32/14, Brojonath Lahiri Lane to 32/16, Brojonath Lahiri Lane with other allied works under ward no- 44 of HMC.(2nd Call)
300. |
Emergent Leak Repairing with other allied works Emergent Leak Repairing with other allied works and Decection of contamination and provition of foul water with other allied works at various ward under HMC.
301. |
Annual maintenance of Electro mechanical works including other allied works of Deep Tube Wells at various ward under HMC.
302. |
Supply of various materials for Conservancy worker under HMC.
303. |
Construction of Road on the top of New B.T.G in ward no-8, under HMC.
304. |
Supply of 2 nos. High Flow Suction cum High Pressure Water Jetting Machine mounted on HCV Chassis -25 Ton /19 Ton for 10 Days on Rent basis. for ward no 1 to 50 under HMC.
305. |
Construction of Bituminous Road at 4/4 South Baksara 1st bye Lane Howrah under ward no-41 (BEUP).
306. |
Operation & Supervision of three wheeled tipper cart by engagement of 12 nos semi skilled driver/ supervisor and 8 nos unskilled helper under HMC area (2nd Call).
307. |
Construction & repairing of vat at different places at various ward under HMC.
308. |
Supply and Installation of 1 nos new pit less type 60 ton Weigh Bridge at Belgachia Trenching Ground, under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
309. |
Preparing of drain and parking place cover in the areas of HMC
310. |
Improvement of Road by Bituminous work under various areas of HMC
311. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing works of Street Lighting arrangement under various areas of HMC
312. |
Distribution wiring & furnitures required in proposed UPHC building under various areas of HMC
313. |
Supply & Installation of LED in various areas of HMC
314. |
Annual maintenance of Electro mechanical works including other allied works of Deep Tube Wells
315. |
Supply, fitting & fixing 1 no Collapsible Gate at the main entrance of UPHC Building at Bandhaghat under HMC
316. |
Repairing & Renovation at Kamardanga Shopping Complex (block – B,C & D)
317. |
Improvement of Water Supply with cleaning, washing and proper levelling in various areas of HMC
318. |
Improvement of Kancha Road by Cement Concrete work at different areas of hmc
319. |
Repairing & Renovation at Kamardanga Shopping Complex (block – B,C & D)
320. |
Repairing of roads, drain side walls, slabs, etc., and other allied incidental works by cement concrete under various areas of HMC
321. |
Construction of manhole and cover slab of Howrah Drainage Canal single barrel
322. |
Relaying of Sewer Line & Repairing of Road Surface By Bituminous work under various areas of HMC
323. |
Reparing of Patch work , pot holes by cement concrete road / lane / by lane at various areas under hmc
324. |
Distribution Wiring for AQM Station at various areas under HMC
325. |
Repair and maintenance of road at Borough - IV under HMC.
326. |
Supply of Mojdoor for cleaning various wards under HMC area.
327. |
Improvement of street Lights with LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
328. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing of 5 Nos. Window A.C Machines at D.S.C.G.L under Health Department of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
329. |
Supply & Installation of Main Switch, TPN, MCB, DB, Isolator, MCB, Cable & other accessories at District Information & Cultural Office, Howrah Haat
Complex in 28, Nityadhan Mukherjee Lane, Howrah711101 under ward No- 29 of H.M.C.
330. |
Repair of cement and concrete road and footpath at various ward under HMC.
331. |
Supply of 206 nos Spray man worker in 1 to 50 wards under H.M.C area.
332. |
Improvement of Kancha Roads by Cement Concrete (RMC) at various ward under HMC.
333. |
Agencies having experience in the supply of various types of Web Camera, Speaker, Head Phone & others for the the office of the I. T. Department, Howrah Municipal Corporation.
334. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
335. |
Supply of spare parts & tools & plants of tube well & pipeline work of Borough - VII (2nd Call)
336. |
Emergent leak repairing work with changing pipe at various ward under HMC.(2nd Call)
337. |
Annual Operation and maintenance of 40 MGD water treatment plant HWW Padampukur.
338. |
Supply of 206 nos Spray man worker in 1 to 50 wards under H.M.C area.
339. |
Institutional plantation inside the Padmapukur water treatment plant under HMC.
340. |
Development and Construction of Science Laboratory for class eleven and twelve of Sir Syed Ahmed High School
341. |
Improvement of roads by Mastic Asphalt
342. |
Installation of sound system & 2 Nos. Computer of Ramkrishna Balika Vidyalaya, 175, Ramkrishnapur Lane, Howrah-711101 under Ward No- 30 under BEUP Scheme.
343. |
Supply, installation and commissioning of 11 panel HT Switch Gear as per technical specification at Raw Water Pumping Station, HMC within AJC Bose B. Garden , Howrah – 9 (3rd Call)
344. |
Supply of 2 nos. High Flow Suction cum High Pressure Water Jetting Machine mounted on HCV Chassis -25 Ton /19 Ton for 10 Days on Rent basis and Erection of two nos. stage (1 big & other small) with stair and back drop and supply of stage carpet , Ground carpet, Podium ,VIP Chair & Fiber Chair at Subal Smriti Puja Ground for IEC & awareness activities under HMC.
345. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street lights at various ward under HMC.
346. |
Supply of 40 (forty) MT or part thereof liquid chlorine conforming to IS;646-1986(2nd Rev. amdt-1,reaffirmed-1991), purity of 99.80% at HWWPP (2nd Call).
347. |
Operation & Supervision of three wheeled tipper cart by engagement of 12 nos semi skilled driver/ supervisor and 8 nos unskilled helper. under HMC area.
348. |
Maintenance & Repairing of Trident Decorative Light at various street under HMC.
349. |
Supplying, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Diesel Generating set 63 KVA (Alternator directly couple to Diesel Engine Salient type) Model no. KEC-T62.5-II, complete in all respect broadly comprising of following and as per specification enclosed. Kirloskar Electric make, in newly proposed Flower
Market at "A" Block, Ground floor, Howrah Haat complex in 28, Nityadhan Mukherjee Road, Howrah-711101, under ward no-29 of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
350. |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Flower Cold Storage in newly proposed Flower Market at "A" Block, Ground floor, Howrah Haat complex in 28, Nityadhan Mukherjee Road, Howrah-711101, under ward no-29 of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
351. |
Renovation of Club-House building stair roof and ground side fencing repairing work at Sailen Manna Stadium under HMC.
352. |
Renovation and desilting of playground drain at Sailen Manna Stadium, under HMC.
353. |
Replacement of dilapidated 750 mm. diameter mild steel Raw Water inlet pipeline by supplying and laying of 750 mm. dia. (ID) 10 mm. thick M.S pipes and specials inside the 40 MGD capacity WTP at Padmapukur, Howrah (3rd Call).
354. |
Apropos above, sealed Items - Puff rice, sattu, biscuits etc. rate Quotations are invited Assistant Engineer (Disaster Management)HMC from the reputed resourceful & bonafide Suppliers/ Manufacturer / Agencies etc.
355. |
Supply of 21000 pcs. {size 7.5’(w) X 8.5’ (h)} sticker for waste bins gumming paper with mat lamination & fittings for Conservancy Department in ward no 1 to 50 under HMC.
356. |
Improvement of Natabar Paul Road by Mastic Asphalt work from the junction of Chatterjee Para more to Belgachia Petrol pump under ward no-8 & 9 (3rd Call).
357. |
Supply of Tubewell spare parts for maintenance of tubewell in different wards under HMC.
358. |
Emergent leak repairing work with changing pipe at various ward under HMC.
359. |
Improvement of Water supply With Laying of New dia HDPE pipe line ) including other allied works, Annual maintenance of Electro mechanical works including other allied works of Deep Tube Wells at various ward under HMC.
360. |
Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 2 nos. Split Air Conditioning Machine at the staff room of Deputy Commissioner-I and Data Entry Cell located at the Town Hall Building under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
361. |
Supply of Spare parts & tools & Planks of Tube well & Pipeline works of Borough-VII (PhaseI) under HMC.
362. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights in various area under HMC.
363. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights and Maintenance & Repairing works of Trident Decorative Ligh in various ward under HMC.
364. |
Overhauling dehydration testing including allied works of oil immersed transformer at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur Raw & clear water.
365. |
Supply, fitting and fixing of LOH metering gauge in pipe gallery of Filter House with necessary fittings etc. all complete with satisfaction of the EIC under Stabilization Scheme at HWW Padmapukur (2nd Call).
366. |
Institutional Plantation and avenue plantation under HMC.
367. |
Purchase of Fiber sheet drum and Aprons for Conservancy Department of ward no 1-50 under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
368. |
The work of setting up of Infrastructure for DUARE SARKAR camp at various venue under H.M.C.
369. |
Improvement of Road (part) by Bituminous work at various ward under HMC.
370. |
Patch repairing of existing Bituminous & Cement Concrete roads in various ward under HMC.
371. |
Repairing and annual maintenance of different roads, lane at various ward under HMC.
372. |
Improvement of Water supply With Laying of New 160 mm dia HDPE pipe line at various ward under HMC.
373. |
Distribution wiring in newly proposed Flower Market at "A" Block, Ground floor, Howrah Haat complex in 28, Nityadhan Mukherjee Road, Howrah-711101 with main switch, DB, MCB, Fan, Light, Cable etc under ward no-29 of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
374. |
Supply of 30 MT or part there of Ferric Alum conforming to IS: 299-2012, Grade IV, 5th revision at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur (2nd call).
375. |
Improvement of Water Supply with cleaning & washing of existing pipe by cut & flush work with relaying of existing 100 mm dia C.I pipe with proper levelling & other allied works from 100 Deshpran Sashmal Road via 12/1/2 Bhairab Ber Lane to 10, Bhairab Ber lane ward no 18 under HMC.
376. |
Proposed flower market inside howrah hat market under HMC.
377. |
Improvement of 'F' Road from the holding no.-76/19, 'F' road up to B.B.S. Club, in ward no.-08, under HMC.
378. |
Distribution wiring in proposed UPHC building, Furnitures Required for U.P.H.C at various under HMC.
379. |
Construction of Road from the junction of 'F' road up to the top of Old BTG in ward no.- 08, under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
380. |
Supply of 40 (Forty) MT or part thereof liquid chlorine conforming to IS, purity of 99.80% at HWWPP.
381. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
382. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
383. |
Cleaning of Jungle and removing of rubbish on road at various ward under HMC.
384. |
Construction of boundary wall and sludge clearing from drain at Jatadhari Park under HMC ward No. -5.
385. |
Renovation of Boundary wall of Sarat Sadan Campus (Western Side) damaged by Amphan Cyclone .
386. |
Annual Maintenance of CCTV & Camera at Sarat Sadan Auditorium Hall, Lobby, Project Office Complex, North East Area, Children Park, Rose Garden under HMC for 6 Months (56 Nos. Camera).
387. |
Construction and repairing of new cover slab drain under borough- II HMC.
388. |
Repairing and renovation of 2 nos. covered garbage vat, Construction of a big covered garbage vat in front of Water tank, etc. in various ward under HMC.
389. |
Annual maintenance of water supply pipe lines irrespective of dia of pipe including contamination, repairing or replacing of air valve, cleaning & washing of pipe by cut & flash work to remove of blockage, leveling of existing pipe line including one side of border roads, bye lanes and allied works covering all roads, lanes, bye lanes & passage of ward no 25,26,27 & 28 in central zone under HMC. (2nd Call)
390. |
Supply of 40 (forty) MT or part thereof liquid chlorine conforming to IS;646-1986(2nd Rev. amdt-1, reaffirmed-1991), purity of 99.80% at HWWPP under HMC.
391. |
Emergent work for Deep Tubewell at Harimohan Bose Road( Fish Market) with supplying fitting fixing new 12.5 HP KSB make submersible Pump motor set, 6.0 3 core flat cable, PVC 5” column pipe and other allied Works Under Ward no - 14 under HMC.
392. |
Supply of 30 MT or part there of Ferric Alum conforming to IS: 299-2012, Grade- IV, 5th Revision at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
393. |
Fitting & fixing of Biswa Bangla tree, Installation of fountain cement casting mural work under HMC.
394. |
Desilting of drain, Estimated for Desilting of Kancha drain, Renovation of various cross drain etc. in various ward under HMC.
395. |
Laying and cleaning of hume pipe and New Swarage line connection, Renovation of drain and road work in various ward under HMC.
396. |
Desilting of drain Zone- 1.(Details of the drains under this Zone is annexed in a separate sheet) (2nd Call) under HMC.
397. |
Electrical renovation works in 1st floor of Town Hall Building at 4, M. G. Road, Howrah-1 with DB, MCB, Isolator, Fan, Light etc under Howrah Municipal Corporation Head Office.
398. |
Civil repairing work for protection of seepage water entry near delivery pipe line at clear water pump house, cleaning and protecting of Raw Water intake jetty for entry of foreign particles, repairing of roof of clear water pump in various area under HMC.
399. |
Supply, fitting, fixing, of net at Raw Water intake jetty for protecting entry of foreign particles (garbage, water hyacinth etc.) at suction bell mouth inside river Hooghly at Raw Water Pump Station in AJC Bose B.Garden under HMC.
400. |
Civil repairing work for protection of seepage water entry near delivery pipe line at Clear Water Pump House, Cleaning and protecting of Raw Water intake Jetty for entry of foreign particles (Garbage, water, hyacinth etc.) at suction bell mouth inside river under HMC.
401. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street light and Improvement of Street Lights with LED Street Lights in various ward under HMC.
402. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light, Arrangement for Annual Maintenance Service at various area under HMC.
403. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street light in various ward under HMC.
404. |
Upgradation of Street light, Supply & Installation of LED Street light etc. in various ward under HMC.
405. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street light, Annual Maintenance & Repairing of Trident Light and Improvement of Light with LED Street Lights in various ward under HMC.
406. |
Annual operation & Maintenance of various Electric Crematorium & Pollution Control System for One Year under HMC.
407. |
Door to door collection of Segregation Municipal Solid Waste, transportation to secondary transfer point by primary transport vehicles with maintenance of primary vehicles & carrying of segregated waste from secondary transfer point to dumpsite in segregated manner with own Fuel Operated Tippers having partition for segregated collection in various ward under HMC.
408. |
Annual maintenance of Banstala Burning Ghat & surrounding area under HMC.
409. |
Improvement of Water Supply with laying of new dia HDPE pipe line including other allied works part at various ward under HMC.
410. |
Supply of spare parts & tools & plants of tube well & pipeline work of Borough - VII
411. |
Supply & Installation of 1 No. Split Air Conditioning Machine at the chamber of A.E (Market) on the 3rdFloor of Annexure Building under Howrah Municipal Corporation and Supply & Installation of 5 Nos. LED Street Lights at Halder Para 1st Bye Lane under ward No- 25 of H.M.C.
412. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street light and Upgradation of Street light at various ward under HMC.
413. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street light, Annual Maintenance & Repairing of Trident Light, and Improvement of Light with LED Street Lights at various ward under HMC.
414. |
Annual Maintenance of water supply pipe lines (primary & Secondary & all relevent distribution lines) from the boundary wall of Padmapukur Water Treatement Plant and Natabar Pul Road under HMC.
415. |
Annual maintenance of water supply pipe lines irrespective of dia of pipe including contamination, repairing or replacing of air valve, cleaning & washing of pipe by cut & flash work to remove of blockage, leveling of existing pipe line including one side of border roads, bye lanes and allied works covering all roads, lanes, bye lanes & passage of various ward under HMC.
416. |
Construction of Urban Primary Health Centre, Distribution wiring in proposed UPHC Building, Furnitures Required for U.P.H.C -21 under HMC.
417. |
Construction of Urban Primary Health Centre, distribution wiring in proposed UPHC Building, Furnitures Required for U.P.H.C at ward number 33 under HMC.
418. |
Construction of Urban Primary Health Centre outside Padmapukur Water Treatment Plant, Distribution wiring in proposed UPHC Building at
Padmapukur (Outside of Padmapukur Water Treatment Plant) and Furnitures Required for U.P.H.C - 16 under HMC.
419. |
Desilting of drain at various ward under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
420. |
New Air Pollution Control System for Electric Crematorium & Electric Crematorium (2nd Unit) at Bandhaghat Burning Ghat and Shibpur Burning Ghat under under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
421. |
Installation of a new Deep Tube Well of 150 mm. 100 mmdia with submersible pump, construction of concrete floor in front of furnace & pollution plant and construction of a open water reservoir at Banstala Crematorium Ghat under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
422. |
Annual Maintenance service contract for Ductable split air conditioning unit installed at Collection Bldg. of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
423. |
Desilting of drain at various ward under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
424. |
Construction of Urban Primary Health Centre, distribution wiring in proposed UPHC building and furniture required for U.P.H.C at ward number 28 under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
425. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at various ward under HMC.
426. |
Desilting of drain under at various ward under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
427. |
Construction of Connecting Road in Between Village Road & Badal Bose Road surrounding the area of Christian Burial Ground in Ward No. 41 under HMC (2nd Call).
428. |
Desilting of drains at various ward under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
429. |
Desilting of drains various ward under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
430. |
Laying of new 400 Dia D.I. Distribution Pipeline from Hazar Haath Kalitola upto the junction of Ramkrishnapur Lane with interconnections at the junctions of Olabibitola Lane, Naskarpara Lane, Chandra Kumar Banerjee Lane, Nilratan Mukherjee Road, including other allied works under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
431. |
Maintenance of Road by Bituminous & allied work , Improvement of Panchanantala Road by Cement Concrete (RMC) under areas of HMC
432. |
Construction of Cement Concrete road (RMC) under various areas of HMC
433. |
Withdrawing the 20 HP submersible pump motor set & re-installation the same after proper repairing and other allied works and Repairing two nos leaks 600 mm dia pipe line under various areas of HMC
434. |
Annual operation and maintenance of the system Online Chlorination for purifying the water of Deep Tubewell at 58, Mollapara Lane in ward no - 37, under HMC
435. |
Supply, installation and fitting of Exterior LED colored display (Size: 8ft X 5ft )water proofing arrangement to be mounted overhead; 17 to 20 feet clear height from the road level, both day and night time visibility facility with SMPS in two spots, one at Mandirtala near Nabanna Bus Stand and other at Howrah Bus Stand opposite Bhimsen Hotel under HMC (2nd Call).
436. |
Construction of G.C.I. Shed for Material Recovery Facility (MRF) of Dry waste at Hot Mix Plant Site, Belgachia F ward no.- 8, under HMC (2nd Call).
437. |
The work for setting up of "DUARE SARKAR 3" at various areas under HMC
438. |
Supply, installation and commissioning of 11 panel HT Switch Gear as per technical specification at Raw Water Pumping Station, HMC within AJC. Bose B. Garden, Howrah – 9. (2nd Call)
439. |
Replacement of dilapidated 750 mm. diameter
mild steel Raw Water inlet pipeline by supplying
and laying of 750 mm. dia. (ID) 10 mm. thick
M.S pipes and specials inside the 40 MGD
capacity WTP at Padmapukur, Howrah (2nd
440. |
Supply, fitting and fixing of 600
mm. Dia. D.I Sluice Valve in
Filter Bed back wash water inlet
with necessary nut bolt etc.
Complete as per satisfaction of the
Engineer in Charge under HMC.
441. |
Supply, fitting and fixing of 450 mm.
Dia. D.I Sluice valve in Filter Bed
Filtered Water Outlet with necessary
nut, bolt etc. Complete as per
satisfaction of the Engineer in Charge under HMC.
442. |
Supply & Installation of 1 No. 9 Meter Pole near Project site of Howrah Mills Co, Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at various wards under HMC
443. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance work of Street Lighting arrangement at various wards under HMC.
444. |
Installation of Deep Tube Wells including allied works at various areas under HMC
445. |
Annual maintenance of campus area of Howrah Water Works Padmapukur by way of lawn and flowerbed maintenance, sweeping of roads, cleaning of drains removal of undesirable growth etc. and also including removal of undesirable growth in the campus of raw water pumping station within AJC Bose Botanic Garden (2nd Call)
446. |
Laying new water pipe line 160. mm dia & 110 mm dia HDPE pipe at various wards under HMC
447. |
Rewinding and repairing of burnt out 425 KW, 6.0 KV 3 Phase Squirrel Cage H.T induction motor make KIRLOSKAR, Sl. No. 3097602-5 of base no - 4 at Clear Water Pumping Station under Howrah Water Works Padmapukur (2nd Call)
448. |
Replacement of filter media with reusable & new media in the 8 nos. filter beds of the 40 MGD capacity Water Treatment Plant at Padmapukur, Howrah under HMC.
449. |
Distribution wiring including Fan,Light,Wire,Cable etc at Shibpur Hindi M.C.J.H School under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
450. |
Cleaning & reconstruction of a surface drain, repairing a stair case and other allied works
451. |
Annual maintenance & repairing works of street lighting arranagement ,Supply & installation of LED street light ,Special repairing at High Mast Light & Trident light at different wards under HMC
452. |
Supply of swasth sathi forms, laxmi bhandar forms and various forms and flex
453. |
Repairing and renovation of a building inside Padmapukur WTP Campus under HMC.
454. |
Preparation of Annual Accounts
455. |
Laying New Water Pipe Line , Improvement of Water Supply ,5 Detection and Contamination & Prevention & Repairing broken pipe line, cleaning pipe line and other allied works in various areas of hmc
456. |
Data entry and infrastructure cost for data entry including required all ancillary articles, like supply of computers etc. for Swasthya Sathi and Lakshmir Bhandar scheme under Duyare Sarkar Project at HMC jurisdiction for Phase II.
457. |
Annual Supply of 150 MT Ferric Alum or part thereof conforming to IS: 299:2012, Grade – 4 at Howrah Water Works, Serampore (2nd Call).
458. |
Annual supply of 250 MT or part thereof Poly Aluminium Chloride (PAC) 10% HB as per IS: 15573:2005 at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur (4th Call)
459. |
Improvement & Construction of Concrete Road under various areas of HMC
460. |
Improvement of water supply by interconnection & cut and flash method , Laying new water pipeline under various areas of HMC
461. |
Improvement of water supply under various areas of HMC
462. |
Supply, Installation & Commissioning of a new Submersible pump set after withdrawal old & damaged one ,Laying water pipe line ,Improvement of water supply and prevention of contamination cleaning the main distribution pipe line by cut & flash method and allied works under various reas of HMC
463. |
Supply of Bleaching Powder & Lime Powder for Conservancy Department for the year 21-22 ; to be supplied at various Sectors/ Offices as per requirement in phases.
464. |
Laying of dedicated main inlet pipe to Olabibitala UGR from 1515 mm dia supply main under area of HMC
465. |
Supply, installation and fitting of Exterior LED colored display water proofing arrangement to be mounted , overhead night time visibility facility with SMPS under various areas of HMC
466. |
Construction of temporary galvanized corrugated iron sheet wall, floor base and other allied works under various areas of HMC
467. |
Temporary Lighting arrangement with LED Decorative Chain light for the occasion of Christmas and New Year for 30 Days.
468. |
Re-Construction work of a covered garbage vat at various wards under HMC
469. |
Supply & Installation of Horizontal Pumps for Raw Water Pump House under HMC
470. |
Installation of Deep Tube Wells including allied works at various wards under HMC
471. |
Construction of G.C.I. Shed for waste collecting E-Carts under HMC
472. |
Maintenance & Repairing of HPSV street light at Andul Burial Ground under HMC area
473. |
Supply & Fixing of Wall Fans, Lights, Starter ,Wiring works at GIS Survey Office, Data entry cell in Town Hall including Switch, Board, MCB, Fan, Light etc
474. |
Patch repairing , Construction of Boundary Wall , Repairing and renovation work at various location and allied worksat different ward under HMC
475. |
Hire charge of 1 no Ex-200 Excavator and 1 no D-80 Bulldozer for BTG under Conservancy Dept. HMC.
476. |
House to House collection of Segregation Municipal Solid Waste, transportation to secondary transfer point by primary transport vehicles with maintenance of primary vehicles & carrying of segregated waste from secondary transfer point to dumpsite in segregated manner with own Fuel Operated Tippers having partition for segregated collection various wards under HMC
477. |
Supply & Fixing of Wall Fans, Lights, Starter, Wiring works etc . under Howrah Municipal Corporation Head Office.
478. |
Supply of High Flow Suction cum High Pressure Water Jetting Machine mounted on HCV Chassis , Purchase of Belcha with Wooden handel Broom Stick etc
479. |
Construction of a Open Masonry Chamber and Desilting work of drain under various areas of HMC
480. |
Annual operation and maintenance of the system Online Chlorination for purifying the water of Deep Tubewell at various areas under HMC
481. |
Improvement of water supply taking out existing C.I pipes and relaying along with new laying partly HDPE pipes
482. |
Improvement of water supply with cutting & flashing ,Detection of contamination and prevention water ,Shifting of existing street tap along with shifting of existing pipe line at various areas under HMC
483. |
Diversion of pipeline , Rewinding motor , Repairing and renovation of pump at various areas under HMC
484. |
Desilting of Drain at various areas of HMC
485. |
Laying of new 400 and 600 mm dia DI distribution pipeline including other allied works at various areas under HMC
486. |
Consultancy and preparation of Detail Project Report (DPR) For Proposed Modern Flower Market at Howrah Hat Complex under HMC.
487. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at different lane under HMC
488. |
Purchase of Pump for different areas of hmc
489. |
Purchase of 172 nos. of Fiber sheet Drum , gum boots etc
490. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light under various areas of hmc
491. |
Special Repairing of Street Light at Mahiary Road from Gorpa to Gass Godawn under HMC
492. |
Maintenance & Repairing of HPSV street light at under HMC .
493. |
Supply of the flowing Items - Puff Rice , Sattu , Biscuit , Milk Powder ,Chanachur .
494. |
Renovation work of community Latrine at H.M.C building of Haroganj Bazar
495. |
Desilting of sludge pit at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur Plant.
496. |
Hire charge of Water sprinkler vehicle for 30 day under H.M.C.
497. |
Operation of pump for the deep tubewell ,Supply, fitting & fixing of Butterfly valve etc under various areas of HMC
498. |
Purchase of Gloves for various wards under HMC.
499. |
Improvement and patch reparing of road at various areas under hmc
500. |
Wider Angle High Definition 1080p l2X USB Camera ,Digital Wireless Conference Microphone cascading system ,Sound Bar Plus 2.0
Channel ,High End HDMI Cable , USB Cable
501. |
Repairing & Development of drain , Maintainance & Repairing of road lanes & different bye lanes including some drain wall slab allied works under various areas of HMC
502. |
Installation of Deep Tube well under Howrah Municipal Corporation
503. |
Quotation for supply of Spare Parts/Accessories
504. |
Construction of septic tank & thick brick walls under HMC
505. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing works of Street Lights at various location under HMC
506. |
Supply , Installation & Improvement of LED Street lights of various locations under HMC.
507. |
Supply & Installation of Mini High Mast, Flood & LED
Street light
508. |
Supply fitting, fixing and repairing of controller system
509. |
Installation of Deep Tube Wells including allied works & Replacement of old pipe by new one
510. |
Laying of dedicated main inlet pipe under areas of HMC
511. |
Renovation work of community
latrine at H.M.C building
512. |
Supply, fitting and fixing of R.O.F metering gauge in pipe gallery of Filter House with necessary fittings etc under area of HMC
513. |
Supply, fitting and fixing of LOH metering gauge in pipe gallery of Filter House with necessary fittings under areas of HMC
514. |
Supply, fitting and fixing of control console of Filter Bed with necessary nut, bolts etc under areas of HMC
515. |
Supply, fitting, fixing of Pneumatic Cylinders of different size for filter beds
516. |
Replacement of old, worn-out and damaged high voltage (PLC) cable with new XLPE high voltage cable of proper insulation at Raw Water Pumping Station under areas of HMC.
517. |
Replacement of dilapidated 750 mm. diameter mid steel Raw Water inlet pipeline by supplying and laying of 750 mm. dia. (ID) 10 mm. thick M.S pipes and specials inside the 40 MGD capacity WTP
518. |
Repairing by manufacturing and resetting of the rotating assembly (impeller) with allied accessories under including commissioning of one JYOTI make HS pump No. 6 at Clear
Water Pumping Station of HWW Padmapukur.
519. |
Supply , installation and commissioning of panel H.T Switch Gear
520. |
Improvement of various roads of different areas under HMC
521. |
Supply & Installation of Horizontal Pumps model 24/24 ALE, 4251 cum./hr at 20 mtr coupled with H.T. motor, 6 K.V. 300 KW replacing old on, for Raw Water Pump House (Make – Mather & Platt)
As per specification
522. |
Reparing of roads to be done under various areas of HMC
523. |
New constriction of a covered garbage vat and some allied works under various areas of HMC.
524. |
Removal of structures of Jagadhatri Idols in the year 2021 & Saraswati Idols in the year 2022 from different Nos. of Ganga Ghats & Ponds after immersion in ward no 1 to 50 under H.M.C.
525. |
Laying of new D.I. distribution pipeline, M.S. pipeline & other allied works under various areas of HMC
526. |
Repair and Renovation work at Howrah Vasha Bikash Kendra at Howrah Santinagar (Hanskhali Pole)
527. |
Construction of shed from Electric Crematorium (rest room ) to panel room at Shibpur Burning Ghat under HMC
528. |
Supply & Installation of Horizontal Pumps model 24/24 ALE, 4251 cum./hr at 20 mtr coupled with H.T. motor, 6 K.V. 300 KW replacing old on, for Raw Water Pump House (Make – Mather & Platt)
As per specification
529. |
Patch Repairing of Roads under various areas of HMC
530. |
Annual valve operation with maintenance of various dia valve under HMC
531. |
Renovation of Drain from 26/1/1, to 12/4, Nabanari Tala 1st Bye Lane, under ward no. 41
532. |
Complete Reparing & Reconditioning job of Maruti Omni Ambulance(WB11B0275)plying at Bally Kedarnath Arogya Bhawan, under Bally Sub- Office
533. |
Desilting of Mou khal from Howrah drainage channel to Harijan Sabak Sangha under Ward no -47,H.M.C.
534. |
Construction of Ready Mixed Concrete Floor at Botanical Garden Ghat adjacent area of the southern side railing of Ghat including some allied works within ward no -39, under H.M.C.
535. |
Erection of Stalls and ancillary work including gates lighting etc for Zilla Swayam Siddha Melaof Howrah at Sarat Sadan from 30.10.2021 to 03.11.2021
536. |
Temporary Lighting arrangement with 400 Watt Metal Halide Light at different bathing Ghats in different occasion at various location under HMC
537. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing works of Street Lights at different Roads & Lanes at various location under Borough-VII.,HMC
538. |
Construction of CLC office, Display Centre , Food Corner , Driver room, Godown , Ambulance room and surrounding passage area under HMC Head office
539. |
Construction for godowns and garage under HMC Headoffice
540. |
Maintenance & Repairing of LED/HPSV/HPIT street light under various locations of HMC
541. |
Maintenance & Repairing of HPSV/HPIT, LED street light at various locations of HMC
542. |
Complete Repairing& reconditioning job (Engineer allied jobs of Maruti Omni Ambulance (wB5 0275) plying at Bally Kedarnath Arogya Bhawan, a Health Unit of this Corporation under control of Bally Sub-O1lice
543. |
Implementation of VRF AC System at Mezzanine Floor of Town Hall Building under H.M.C Head Office(Item Rate)(2nd Call).
544. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing of Street Light at different Roads/Lanes etc at W-46, Annual Maintenance & Repairing works of electrical equipments of Borough-VII Office
545. |
Complete Repairing& reconditioning job (Engineer allied jobs of Maruti Omni Ambulance (wB5 0275) plying at Bally Kedarnath Arogya Bhawan, a Health Unit of this Corporation under control of Bally Sub-O1lice
546. |
Removal of structures of Durga, Laxmi & Kali Idols from different Nos. of Ganga Ghats & Ponds after immersion in the year 2021. in ward no 1 to 50 under H.M.C.
547. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light, Supply & Installation of 1 No. Mini High Mast Tower & Annual Maintenance & Repairing works of 93 Nos. Mini High Mast Tower at Different Location under HMC.
548. |
Tyre (6.00 x 16) for Tractor Front Wheel
549. |
Withdrawing the two Nos.12.5 HP Submersible Sewage pump motor set & installation the same after proper re-winding repairing & overhauling of pump motor sets & Panel Board repairing and Annual maintenance of 3 nos Submersible sewerage pump motor sets, wall mounted Control panel along with its accessories and pump motor lifting lowering etc at various location under HMC
550. |
Desilting of Drain, Repairing & Renovation of Road side drain & Extension of Forcemain Pipe Line at various location under HMC
551. |
Pending & Daily data entry in cashier Book
552. |
Structural steel works and G.I.S. Roofing, sheet walling works and replacement of doors of Tarun Sangha Library at L.M.C. Sarani,
553. |
Misc. Civil Work damage caused in the natural calamity "AMPHUN" at PURBASHA GRATHAGAR, 54/A Dewangazi Road, Ward 54, HMC,
554. |
Various Work under Borough 6
555. |
Various work under Borough 1
556. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street light various location under HMC
557. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street light various location under HMC
558. |
Improvement of 'F' Road
559. |
Construction & Repairing of Road/Passage/ lane
560. |
Various work under Borough 6
561. |
Various Work Under Borough 7
562. |
New Installation of Demolished Street Light Pole & Fitting at LiluahRoad Over Bridge under Ward No- 62 & 65 of HMC for YASS Disaster
563. |
Temporary Lighting arrangement with 400 Watt Metal Halide Light, Electrical renovation work at Workshop Department of HMC Head, Distribution wiring at Mezzanine Floor of Town Hall of HMC head
564. |
Various work under borough 5,HMC
565. |
Construction of guard wall and filling of low land at the Bantra Burial Ground(phase-ll) within ward no. 22, under- HMC
566. |
Various work Under Borough 2
567. |
Repairing of damaged 750 mm dia. MS Raw Water Pipe Line inside of Clariflocculator no 1 and 2 at HWWPP, HMC
568. |
Patch Reaping at various Road under HMC
569. |
Patch repairing at various location under HMC
570. |
Various Work Under Borough 6
571. |
Construction of Connecting Road in Between Village Road & Badal Bose Road surrounding the area of Christian Burial Ground in Ward No. 41 under HMC.
572. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance work of Street Light & other Lighting systems at Various location under HMC
573. |
Re- Construction of 2 Nos. Covered garbage vat (1) Opposite of Axis Bank ATM at Mohiary Road, (2) In front of TMC Party office ward no -47 under HMC.
(2nd call) and Construction of a new covered garbage vat South Thana Makua , Near Radha Krishna Mandir , supplying fitting & fixing of a gate of a vat in front of Satragachi Jheel, & repairing , renovation works of a covered vat at Nazirgang ,and allied some works within ward no -45, H.M.C.
574. |
Annual operation and maintenance of Raw and Clear Water Pumping Station of Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
575. |
Distribution wiring including Wire, Exhaust Fans, Lights, Starter etc. And Servicing & Reparing of 9 nos. Air Conditioning Machines at Sailen Manna Stadium under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
576. |
Pre Bid Meeting of selection of agency for Processing and Disposal of Solid Waste
577. |
Rewinding and repairing of burnt out 425 KW, 6.0 KV 3 Phase Squirrel Cage H.T induction motor make KIRLOSKAR, Sl. No. 3097602-5 of base no - 4 at Clear Water Pumping Station under Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
578. |
Demolishing & Re-installation of LED Street light poles in connection with construction of New Benaras Road Bamungachi Bridge under HMC area.
579. |
Drain with cover slab, Construction of culvert and replacing broken slabs, brick work etc, Construction of cross drain, Desilting of surface drain at various location under HMC
580. |
Renovation of Drain near S.E. Rly. Culvert No. 5 (Nabanna Outfall Drain) under ward No. 41 and Desilting of Drain from Parijat Cinema to Parulia along with Dharmatala Road both sides for 9 months under ward no. 3 & 6
581. |
Improvement of water supply by laying 160 mm & 110 mm dia HDPE main distribution pipe in place of old & damaged 100 mm dia C.I pipe from S.N.N Ganguly Road to 176/2, S.N.N. Ganguly Road and laying some new 110 mm dia HDPE main distribution pipe from holding no . 170 to 172/2 & 167 to 171 within ward no – 44 and To improvement water supply by laying new water pipe line 200 mm dia & 160 mm dia & 110 mm dia at Ichapur Purba Para near Bhabatarini Mandir, ward no – 49. under HMC
582. |
Improvement of water supply by laying 160 mm dia H.D.P.E main distribution pipe in place of old & partly damaged 100 mm dia C.I pipe at Amrita Pyne lane from 1, Amrita Pyne Lane upto 5, Amrita Pyne Lane with in ward no – 27, under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
583. |
Demolishing & Re-installation of LED Street light poles in connection with construction of New Benaras Road Bamungachi Bridge under HMC area.
584. |
Laying of new D.I. distribution pipeline
585. |
Implementation of Lightning Arrester at Town Hall Building HMC.(2nd Call)
586. |
Implementation of VRF AC System at Mezzanine Floor of Town Hall Building under H.M.C Head Office.
587. |
Selection of Agency for Processing and Disposal of Legacy Municipal Solid Waste at Begachia Dump Site Howrah through Bio Mining (3rd call).
588. |
Patch repairing and Re-Construction of Concrete Road with drain at various location under HMC
589. |
Maintenance & Repairing of Trident Decorative Light at various location under HMC.
590. |
Sealed Tender is invited for supply o 10 Nos. Office use Steel Almari
591. |
Annual maintenance of the primary grid and C.I Water Mains within the plant and operation and maintenance of different valves and penstocks of Howrah Water Works Padmapukur including the reading water meters to the bulk water consumers.
592. |
Repairing of stator and rotor of a 425 KW, 6 KV, 988 RPM JYOTI make slip ring motor (SL NO 132271) of CWPS at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
593. |
Repairing of 2 Nos. of 62.5 KVA, 415 Volt, 3 Phase Diesel Generator Sets at Bally Sub Office under H.M.C.
594. |
Distribution Wiring at Dumurjala Indoor Stadium, newly constructed Help Desk at the entrance of Howrah Municipal Corporation Head Office. Demolishing & New Installation of LED Street Light poles in connection with construction of New Chandmari Bridge under HMC area.
595. |
Annual Operation and maintenance of lighting system including supply of materials etc. at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur and Raw Water Pumping Station inside A.J.C Bose IB Garden, Howrah Municipal Corporation.
596. |
Replacement of old, worn-out and damaged high voltage (PLC) cable with new XLPE high voltage of proper insulation at CWPH (all 9 nos motors except 7 & 9) of HWWPP (2nd Call).
597. |
Annual Supply of 250 MT of or part thereof poly aluminium chloride 10% HB as per IS: 15573: 2005 at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur (3rd Call).
598. |
Patch Repairing of "F" Road from Homeopathy Hospital to B.B.S. Club and on the top of OLD BTG in ward no.- 08, under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
599. |
Improvement Approach Road on the top of New BTG in ward no.- 08, under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
600. |
Construction of a covered vat at B K Paul Temple Road ward no.60 under HMC
601. |
Improvement of bye Lane by Cement Concrete work, Patch repairing work by Paver Block at various location under HMC
602. |
Repairing of the rotating assembly, Supplying, fitting, fixing of M.S fabricated, Manufacturing and supply of S.S Neck Ring repairing and metalizing of G.M Bush etc various work under HMC
603. |
Estimate for annual maintenance & repairing works of street lighting system arrangement of ward 25,ward 26 under HMC
604. |
Annual maintenance of campus area of Howrah Water Works Padmapukur by way of lawn and flowerbed maintenance, sweeping of roads, cleaning of drains removal of undesirable growth etc. and also including removal of undesirable growth in the campus of Raw Water Pumping Station within AJC Bose Botanic Garden.
605. |
Preparation & decoration of exhibition stall at Bantra Sammelony ground on the occation of “Bangla Moder Garbo” under H.M.C.
606. |
Patch Repairing of “F” Road from the holding no 22/1/2, “J” Road up to holding no P-58, Beneras Road in ward no -8 under H.M.C
607. |
Re-construction of a covered garbage vat and repairing and renovation of covered garbage vat under H.M.C.
608. |
Improvement of Water Supply near 50, PM Bastee 3rd Bye Lane & its surrounding areas by cut & flash works with other allied work under ward no - 31, Surging of existing deep tube well (300 mm x 200 mm dia) with other allied works at 47/1, Charu Chandra Singha Lane (Gheser math) under ward no - 30
609. |
Annual Operation of Pump for the Deep Tube Well, Improvement of water supply with cleaning, washing & relaying, Improvement of water supply with relaying at various ward under HMC.
610. |
Desilting of Moukhal from Harijan Sebak Sangha to Kona Expressway under Ward no -47,H.M.C.
611. |
Laying of dedicated main inlet pipe to Olabibitala UGR from 1515 mm dia supply main at Dr. Bholanath Chakroborty Sarani near Indoor Stadium.
612. |
Construction of Ladies toilet and supplying, fixing of rolling shutter and repairing of existing rolling shutter and painting work at HMC
613. |
Repairing and renovation work of a covered garbage vat at Low Level Road opposite of K.P.T. Quarter and some allied works, within ward no-14 under HMC. (3rd Call)
614. |
Annual cost of maintenance and repairing of 5 Nos. Window A.C Machines at D.S.C.G.L under Health Department of Howrah Municipal Corporation. (2nd Call) & Supply & Installation of 7 Nos. 30 Watt LED Street Light at adjacent Bye Lane of Deshpran Sashmal Road under Ward No- 23 of HMC.
615. |
Supply & Installation of 1 No. LED Mini High Mast Light at Ward No 46 and Distribution Wiring in proposed Record Department at Ground Floor of Collection Building with DB,MCB, Isolator, Fan, Light, Switch etc under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
616. |
Supply with erection, Electric Actuator Rotork make K – 600, 415 V 50 HZ rpm – 36, with control panel, cable main switch with all respect to Operate the newly installed 900 mm dia sluice valve at Belepole More, HMC
617. |
Implementation of Lightning Arrester at Town Hall Building HMC.
618. |
Implementation of Lightning Arrester at Town Hall Building HMC.
619. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing of Street Light System arrangement Under Br-IV. H.M.C.
620. |
Repairing and overhauling including supply of vital spares of 3 nos. rotor stator at Clear Water Pumping Station Padmapukur.
621. |
Manufacturing and supply of G.M Neck Ring supply of 22222 EK Bearing (ZKL) sleeves sockets at Clear Water Pumping Station at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur Plant
622. |
Manufacturing and supply of impeller (Ph Bronze) with allied accessories including commissioning of one JYOTI make HS Pump No.7 at Clear Water Pumping Station at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur
623. |
Repairing of leakage of 1200 mm dia. M.S. manifold at Raw Water Pumping Station inside A.J.C Bose B Garden under H.M.C
624. |
Repairing of MS structure of Pathway at Raw Water Pumping Station at A.J.C Bose B Garden under HWW Padmapukur.
625. |
Repairing and replacement of the old damaged M.S. Sheet of the used Tricycle vans of the Conservancy Department of Bally Sub Office, HMC
626. |
Regular Cleaning Work, Annual Operation & Maintenance including supply installation & repairing works for A.C System etc at Sarat Sadan
627. |
500 ltrs. Pheneol (White Tiger 5 ltr) Lemon , 100 ltrs. Pheneol (Black 5 ltr)
628. |
500 ltrs. Pheneol (White Tiger 5 ltr) Lemon , 100 ltrs. Pheneol (Black 5 ltr)
629. |
500 ltrs. Pheneol (White Tiger 5 ltr) Lemon , 100 ltrs. Pheneol (Black 5 ltr)
630. |
500 ltrs. Pheneol (White Tiger 5 ltr) Lemon , 100 ltrs. Pheneol (Black 5 ltr)
631. |
500 ltrs. Pheneol (White Tiger 5 ltr) Lemon , 100 ltrs. Pheneol (Black 5 ltr)
632. |
Laying of new 500,400,300 dia DI distribution pipeline including other allied works
633. |
634. |
Supply of unskilled security guards including semi skilled supervisors for one year at Hot Mix Plant, Belgachia.
635. |
Reaping of drainage Pipe line at ward 55 under HMC
636. |
Emergent Work for Howrah Panchanantala DPS with supply 20 HP Submersible Sewage Pump Motor, model no. MS 62025 with 15 Mtr. EPR Cable & Special Impeller SS-316 with stand and complete STAR-DELTA Panel and allied work under ward no. 17 and Construction of Pump House with Installation of 12.5 HP Pump & Motor 28, Madhusudan Biswas Lane within ward no. 19,HMC.
637. |
Dewatering by pumps under various location under HMC.
638. |
Cleaning of jungle, Removing, Reaping, Trimming of Tree etc. word at various location under HMC
639. |
Desilting of drains from "76, Dharmatala Lane to 62, Shibpur Road" of Ward No. 34, Br- V, HMC(2nd Call) and De-silting work drains (1) 104/A, Molla Para Lane to 93, Kshetra Banerjee Lane to Ananda Kr Roy Chowdhury Lane. (2) 172/8, Shibpur Road to 21/2, Dasarath Ghosh Lane via Shibpur Library Kshetra Banerjee Lane. (3) 289, G.T. Road to 97 , Khetra Banerjee Lane under ward no -37.under Br.-VI,HMC.(2nd Call)
640. |
Construction of Tripura Roy Road by Cement Concrete, Arabindanagar Road by Cement Concrete and Mirpara bye Lane by Cement Concrete under HMC.
641. |
Improvement of light with 60 Watt LED Street light at different Lane under Ward No-43 of HMC and Supply & Installation of 45 W LED street light at Biradingi Paschim Para West Colony near Shani Mandir under Ward No-50 of HMC.
642. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at different Road & Lane under Ward No- 17 of HMC and 45 Watt LED Street Light at Uttar Das Para Colony near Jatric place under Ward No- 45 of HMC.
643. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance including Supply. Installation & Repairing works of 2 Nos. of 62.5 KVA, 3 Phase, 415V, D.G. Sets at Bally Sub Office under HMC.(2 Call)
644. |
De-silting work of drains under Ward no. 40, 41, 44 at HMC
645. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at different Road & Lane under Ward No- 17 of HMC, Supply & Installation of 45 Watt LED Street Light at Uttar Das Para Colony near Jatric place under Ward No- 45 of HMC.
646. |
Improvement of Hazarimal Shah Road by Bituminous work under ward no-1 [L= 88.00m, Av.w= 7.50m] (2nd Call)
647. |
Repairing of road by Bituminous work, Construction of New concrete paved road & under ground Drainage system, Construction of Cement Concrete road at various location under HMC
648. |
Desilting of drain Under Ward No. 47
649. |
Improvement of Water Supply installation, New laying of 20 mm dia GI pipe for toilet, leak repairing, Detection of contamination and prevention of foul water with other allied works etc at various location under HMC
650. |
Mending good and repairing, Operation of pump for Deep Tube Well, Installation of online chlorination at various place under HMC
651. |
Lime Powder (50 KGs. Each Bag) IS 1514 : 1990
652. |
Annual cost of maintenance and repairing of 5 Nos. Window A.C Machines at D.S.C.G.L under Health Department of Howrah Municipal Corporation.
653. |
Laying and Installation of pipe line at various place under HMC
654. |
655. |
Desilting of Drain at various Location Under Ward No. 47.
656. |
Desilting of Drain at various Location under HMC
657. |
Desilting of drain at various location under HMC
658. |
Desilting of drain at various location under HMC
659. |
De-silting of drain at various location under HMC
660. |
Desilting of drain at various location under Br.-VII,HMC
661. |
Desilting of drain at various location under BR-VI, HMC
662. |
Desilting of small surface drains at various location under HMC
663. |
Desilting of Drain at various location under HMC
664. |
Dewatering by pumps under ward no. 22, 61 & 62 and Desilting & Renovation of drain from 22, Sadar Boxi Lane to 240, Panchanantala Road ( Pump House ), under ward no.18.
665. |
Supply of STIHL make Petrol driven chain Shaw Machine
666. |
Dewatering by Pumps at under ward no. 19, 20 & Jaiswal Hospital under ward no. 62
667. |
Patch repairing, potholes repairing, Improvement of different roads, Construction of Concrete road at various location under HMC
668. |
Pathway inside the Padmapukur Water Treatment Plant just infornt of Administrative Building.
669. |
Repairing of 1 no. old damaged impeller unit for activate of pump no 1 at Raw Water Pumping Station inside AJC Bose B. Garden of HMC.
670. |
Heating and drying the submerged 6 KV and 425 KW motors, (Base No 8) heat varnishing, overhauling and commissioning the same at Clear Water Pumping Station, HWWPP.
671. |
Installation of standby 6 KV 425 KW motor on urgent basis by replacing of submerged motor no. 4 & 5 at Clear Water Pumping Station of Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
672. |
Annual Electrical Maintenance, Construction of street light, Purchase of Tube well and Pipe Line and other various work under Borough 2
673. |
Construction of New Concrete Road at Bye Lane of Belur Road near 6 No Pumphouse within Ward No, 62 Under HMC
674. |
Patch Repairing of “F” Road from the holding no 81 “F” Road to the holding no 45 “F” Road in ward no -8 under HMC and Reinstallation of new M.S. Plate on Weigh Bridge beside New B.T.G. in ward no -8, under H.M.C
675. |
Constriction, Repairing and renovation work of a covered garbage vat at various wards under HMC.
676. |
Constriction, Repairing and renovation work of a covered garbage vat at various wards under HMC.
677. |
Cleaning, painting work & Construction of toilet (both ladies & gents) at Shibpur Burial Ground for Child, under ward no. 35, HMC.(2nd call)
678. |
Construction of guard wall and filling of low land at the Bantra Burial Ground under ward no. 22, HMC
679. |
as per requirement of the stores department & bally office of H.M.C.
680. |
as per requirement of the stores department & difference & of H.M.C.
681. |
as per requirement of the stores department & different & bally office of H.M.C.
682. |
as per requirement of the stores department & difference of H.M.C
683. |
Selection of Agency for Processing and Disposal of Legacy Municipal Solid Waste at Belgachia Dump Site, Howrah through Bio Mining (2nd Call)
684. |
Annual operation & maintenance of 1 set. Open Nallah Desilting Machine under HMC (2nd Call).
685. |
686. |
as per requirement of the Br-III & IV H.M.C
687. |
Annual operation & maintenance of 02 nos each of 10.5 cum capacity portable compactor and 1 no hook loader at Belilious Road –East West Road crossing compactor station, Howrah, Ward No-17 under HMC (2nd Call).
688. |
Lifting & Removing of Daily Garbage etc. accumulated from vats dumping yards containers and other place on Roads, Lanes, and Bye-Lanes of HMC area.
689. |
estimate for renovation of toilet with W.C at H.M.C
690. |
due to embargo of coming assembly election (west Bengal), 2021, tender procedure which was published will be announced after completion of election procedure.
691. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance including Supply Installation & Repairing works of Air Conditioning System and total Lighting System, total Sound System.
692. |
Electrical renovation work at Commissioner’s Chamber, Ante-Chamber and Toilet in Town Hall Ground Floor under Howrah Municipal Corporation Head Office with Wire, Exhaust fan, LED lights, Call bell etc.
693. |
renovation and replacement of roads and lighting under borough-II, H.M.C.
694. |
refiling of PC- 210KEV cartridge for pantum M6502 & pantum P2200 printers and TL-412HK cartridge for pantum M7102DN & pantum P3302DW printers
695. |
Protection of Roof of Clear Water Pumping Station. (2nd Call)
696. |
Construction of Toilet block at 82/10, Narasingha dutta road under ward no-24. (BEUP)
697. |
Dewatering by pumps and Renovation of High drain work under HMC.
698. |
Annual Regular Supervision of Auto Manual Operation Wall
Mounted Control Panel along with its accessories.
699. |
Dewatering by pumps and Renovation of High drain work under HMC.
700. |
Supply & Installation of 10 Nos. LED Street Light of HMC under BEUP Scheme.
701. |
Supply & Installation of 30 Nos. LED Street Light HMC in BEUP Scheme.
702. |
Supply of 16 Nos. branded 12V, 26AH MF Battery
for 6KVA Online UPS at Server Room, Bally Sub
Office of H.M.C. (with Buy Back option of the Old
703. |
Electrical renovation work of HMC Head Office. (2nd Call)
704. |
Supply, Fitting & Fixing of 03 (Three) Nos. Complete Mudguard Sets for Rear Wheel1 of
HMT Make Tractors and 03 Nos. Driving Seats for HMT Make Tractors (as per
specification in Annexure-J) at the Motor Vehicles Dept. Bally 0ice of this Corporation.
705. |
Selection of Agency for Processing and Disposal of Legacy Municipal Solid Waste at Belgachia Dump Site, Howrah through Bio Mining (Re-tender)
706. |
Proposed laying of 500 dia M.S Bye Pass of outlet Primary main (online) including suppling & installation of 500 dia valve at Bhattanagar UGR, Liluah under Howrah Municipal Corporation and Improvement of Water Supply with laying of 110 mm dia HDPE pipe with other allied works from.
707. |
Emergent work for the Deep Tube well and installation the same after proper repairing & rewinding along with replacement PVC column pipe, complete.
708. |
Withdrawing 20 HP sub P/M set and installation the same after proper repairing & rewinding along with replacement PVC column pipe complete ML - 3 Pannel board 6 sqmm flat cable at Dasnagar Pump house opposite petrol pump under ward no - 49
709. |
Proposed laying of 500 dia M.S Bye Pass of outlet Primary main (online) including suppling & installation of 500 dia valve at Bhattanagar UGR, Liluah under Howrah Municipal Corporation and Improvement of Water Supply with laying of 110 mm dia HDPE pipe with other allied works.
710. |
Construction of Lichu Bagan School in ward no. 45 under HMC.
711. |
Improvement of road by Cement Concrete (RMC) & allied work and Repairing of Girish Ghosh Road by RMC work under H.M.C.
712. |
Construction of Cement Concrete road at Naskarpar more and Installation of cold drinking water machine (BEUP).
713. |
Construction of Cement Concrete road with drain and slab and with drain house work under (BEUP) and Installation of CCTV ca, era Howrah Urdu Girls High school Add-432, G.T.Road, Howrah (BEUP).
714. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light Howrah, under Ward No-42 & Baikuntha Chatterjee Lane under Ward No-18, Ward No- 29 of HMC under BEUP Scheme.
715. |
Supply & Installation of High Mast Light and LED Street Light work of HMC in BEUP Scheme.
716. |
Supply & Installation of 4 Pcs. 200 Watt LED Flood Light, Street Light works Ward No- 42, Ward No- 29, Ward No- 26, Ward No- 18, Ward No- 24 of HMC in BEUP Scheme.
717. |
Construction of Pathway by Paver Block at Unsani
Majherpara Graveyard, under Ward No.-46, HMC.
718. |
Renovation & Repairing of Electric Crematorium at Banstala Burning Ghat under H.M.C.
719. |
it is here by added that Intending
Quotationers will have to submit Earnest Money equivalent to 2% of the quoted rate and the last date of
submission of sealed quotation is also hereby extended All other terms and condition will
remain same.
720. |
In connection to the NIQ No. BSO/003/1 IMC/ELEC/2020-21 and Endt. Memo No. HMC/BSO/00195/Electrie/Secy&OSID/20-21 Dated 30-01-2021 it is here by added that Quotationers will have to Intending submit Earnest Money equivalent to 2% of the quoted submission of rate and the last date of sealed quotation is also hereby extended upto 12-02-2021. All other terms and condition will remain same.
721. |
annual electrical maintenance of word and supply & installation of trident fitting & flood lighting luminaire and patch repairing work, development of cement concrete pavement & repairing of drain and improvement & repairing of roads works under Borough-II H.M.C.
722. |
Annual operation & maintenance of 02 nos each of 10.5 cum capacity portable compactor and 1 no hook loader at Belilious Road, at H.I.T, at Round Tank Lane, at 17, Sitanath Bose Lane compactor station, Howrah under H.M.C.
723. |
Installation of I no C.C.T.V Camera to be parking area of Borough-II Office premises. 2. Annual maintenance of C.C.T.V, L.A.N & Computers ( including repairing & installation as per requirement ) of Borough-11 Office, H.M.C for the F.Y 2021-22.
724. |
Annual maintenance of A.C. machines(9no's) situated and work for repairing along with renovation at Borough-II office H.M.C.
725. |
Construction of road, Improvement of road, Repairing of road by Bituminous work under H.M.C.
726. |
Purchase of A-4 size Computer Printer Paper to be used at
Bally Sub-Office.
727. |
Cleaning of Sludge and renovation of drain along with Grade correction of drain and Supplying fitting & fixing & Raising of Manhole & Gullypit cover for improvement under H.M.C.
728. |
Cleaning of Sludge and renovation of drain and Supplying fitting & fixing & Raising of Manhole & Gullypit cover with Grade correction of drain.
729. |
As per requirement of the roads department of H.M.C.
730. |
As per requirement of the Health department of H.M.C.
731. |
As per requirement of the Borough-II of H.M.C.
732. |
As per requirement of the motor department of H.M.C.
733. |
As per requirement of the personal department of H.M.C.
734. |
As per requirement of the store department of H.M.C.
735. |
Supply of conservancy items under bally office.
736. |
Supply of bleaching powder & lime dust for conservancy store under bally sub-office.
737. |
supply Tricycle van spare& its accessories for conservancy store under bally sub-office.
738. |
Renovation of cross drain and replacing Manhole covers & Gully pits and Repairing of drain and Construction of drain slabs work.
739. |
Renovation of Cross Drain and manhole works under HMC.
740. |
Annual Maintenance (Non-Comprehensive) of E at Governance Server cum Oracle Application & Database Server and Data Backup Management.
741. |
Annual Maintenance Contract of l1 ( Eleven ) Nos of Air Conditioning Machines.
742. |
Annual Maintenance Contract of 16 ( Sixteen ) Nos. of Air Conditioning Machines.
743. |
Annual Maintenance Contract of 16 ( Sixteen ) Nos. of Air Conditioning Machines.
744. |
Annual operation and maintenance (including gas supply) of pressure feed type chlorination feed type chlorination plant for zonal chlorination of drinking water near “Aloka Cinema Hall” (Cowies Ghat Road) at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
745. |
Annual Operation and maintenance of zonal chlorination plant (including supply of chlorination gas) of PM Bastee at Shibpur near Aloka Cinema Hall.
746. |
Servicing / repairing of 260 KW 6 KV 985 rpm motor (Sl NO 353751) of pump unit no 2 situated at Serampore Water Works under Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
747. |
Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of MICOM P220 Motor protection relay at Clear Water Pump No.04 (6.6 KV HT panel) of Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
748. |
Deployment of security guards at Sailen Manna Stadium, HMC.
749. |
Improvement of Water Supply with removal of blockage pipe and New laying pipe and Detection and contamination and prevention of foul water pipe line work under HMC.
750. |
Improvement of water supply by cutting and flashing existing 110 mm dia HDPE pipes with new laying under HMC.
751. |
Annual Maintenance (Non-Comprehensive) of E Governance Server cum Oracle Application & Database Server and Data Backup Management.
752. |
Supply of Duplicating Paper for the Digital Copy Printing Machine.
753. |
Deployment of security guards at Sailen Manna Stadium, HMC.
754. |
Maintenance & Repairing of Trident Decorative Light at Agrasen Street, Liluah, under Ward No-62 of HMC for 3(Three) Years.
755. |
Maintenance & Repairing of Trident Decorative light under HMC.
756. |
Removing old painting and new painting work at mediant along foreshore road from kaji para to Govt.bus depot under HMC.
757. |
Maintenance work mediant of drainage canal road from belepole to chatterjee para under HMC.
758. |
Annual Maintenance Contract of l1 ( Eleven ) Nos of Air Conditioning Machines of different Capacity as detailin Annexure-I from reputed Manufacturers/)2alers/Suppliers/service Centre.
759. |
Annual Maintenance Contract of 16 ( Sixteen ) Nos. of Air Conditioning Machines of different Capacity Annexure-I as detail in from reputed Manufacturers/Dealers/Suppliers/service Centre.
760. |
annual operation & maintenance including supply, installation & repairing works of 2 nos. of 62.5 KVA , 3 phase, 415V, D.G. sets at bally sub office under HMC.
761. |
annual operation & maintenance of 1 set. open nallah desilting machine under HMC.
762. |
Improvement of Water Supply replacing old damage 25 mm dia pipe by new pipe and one additional connection by laying 25 mm GI pipe as per demand of Howrah District Correctional Home (jail) at Dr. P.K Banerjee Road (Mullick phatak) ward no 29, HMC.
763. |
Improvement of Water Supply with cleaning, washing exiting pipe by cut & flash work including interconnection with Detection of contamination and prevention of foul water work under HMC.
764. |
Supply of Duplicating Paper for the Digital Copy Printing Machine of General Dept.
765. |
Patch repairing work by Cement Concrete and laying paver block under HMC.
766. |
Improvement of ''O" , "Q" road and kancha road by Cement Concrete work under HMC.
767. |
mentioned items for the maintenance of the tractor & trailers plying under control of motor vehicles department , HMC, bally office.
768. |
Repairing (denting, painting and other allied jobs) of maruti omni ambulance (WB11B 0275) plying at bally kedernath arogya bhawan, a health unit of this corporation under control of bally sub-office.
769. |
Cleaning, Painting work & Construction of Toilet (both ladies & gents) at Shibpur Burial Ground for Child, under ward No-35, H.M.C.
770. |
Repairing & renovation of roads work under HMC.
771. |
Lifting & Removing of Daily Garbage etc. accumulated from vats dumping yards containers and other place on Roads, Lanes, and Bye-Lanes of HMC area. Zone-1 – Zone-12.
772. |
Cleaning of jungle an up rooting grasses etc of children park near water treatment plant at andul 1st bye lane (bakultala) under HMC (one time)
773. |
Improvement of Water Supply with cleaning, washing & relaying of ex 100 mm dia C.I. Pipe line with proper levelling including other allied works from 59, Charu Chandra Singha Lane to 55, Charu Chandra Singha Lane under ward no - 30
774. |
Improvement of water Supply with laying 200 mm dia Di pipe and 150 mm dia HDPE pipe for inter connection 400 mm dia pipe at B Road, C Road Ward no - 7
775. |
Repairing and renovation works of covered garbage vat under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
776. |
Desilting of drain, Desilting of sewer Line, Removing of floating materils and partial desilting of Howrah
Drainage Canal (Single Barrel) (Double Barrel) by operation & maintenance work.
777. |
Desilting of drain beside Kali Majumder Road from the junction of
G.T. Road to Chotelal Mishra Road, under ward no.03, Salkia Chowrasta to R.K. Academy, under
ward no. 6. 25/1, Kaibarta Para Lane to Railway
Culvert no.3, under ward no.6 & 7, 8 'Q' Road to Benaras Road, under ward
no.09, Tikiapara Station along with Dasarath
Ghosh Lane, under ward no.09, Byepass Culvert to South Eastern Railway
Carshed, under ward no.22, Rajaram Das Lane to MSPC Lane, under
ward no. 22, 31/1/2, Joydeb Kundu Lane to 18/1,
Bindabon Mallick Lane, under ward no.23, Sanai to Howrah Drainage Canal, under
ward no. 42. 101/7, Brindabon Mallick Lane to Howrah
Drainage Canal via Bagdi Para, under ward no 43, Arupara STP, under word no 48, Muchipara Bhagardhar to Water Tank,
under ward no.48, surrounding drains behind Colony
Bazar connecting main drains, under ward no.06. 47, Tripura Roy Lane to 5/3, Nilmoni
Mukherjee Lane, under ward no. 11. and Annual Regular Maintenance & drainage Pumping Station at
Mohinath Porel Lane, under ward no. 07. and Desilting of sewer line at Mohinath Porel Lane and Akshay
Chatterjee Lane, under ward no.7, Belgachia Trenching Ground, under
ward no. 07, with Rose Merry Lane , Watkins
Lane, Sailo Kr. Mukherjee Lane, Kings Road ( from G.T.Road to
River Ganga ), under ward no. 13, Panchanantala Road , Deshpran
Sasmal Road, Narasingha Dutta Road ( Part), under ward no.
17,18,19,21,23 & 24, South Eastern Railway Track, under ward
no. 22, Badgi Para, under ward no. 35, Jagat Banerjee Ghat Road, under ward no. 35, Shalimar Gate No.1, under ward no. 35, G.C.R.C. Ghat Road, under ward no.
36, G.T. Road (South) to
Forshore Road near Jain Hospital, under ward no. 36, Shalimar Engineering
Works 1980 adjecent Shalimar Khal, under ward no. 39, Danesh Sk. Lane to DVC
Canal via Andul Road, under ward no. 41, Nabanna' Main Building, Netaji Subhas Road, Mahendra
Bhatterjee Road (upto Drainage Canal Road) & Narasingha Dutta
Road, Ring Road at Dumurjala & from Belepole
to Ichapur, East West Bye Pass ( from Natabar Paul
Road Crossing to Belilious Road ) and Ashu Bose Lane, with F Road, under ward no. 8, Sri Ram Dhang Road, Vivek Nagar Pump House (C Road) to
Jheel Road, under ward no. 07, Parulia factory, under ward no.06, Shib Gopal Banerjee Lane and Nabin
Ghosh Lane, "L" Road to Pacha Khal, under ward
no. 08. and Desilting of kacha drain along with Dasarath Ghosh Lane, under
ward no.08, F Road, under ward no.08, 47/11,
'P' Road & 65/43, 'P' Road & 94/4, 'P' Road, under ward no.08. and Desilting of DVC Canal, under ward no. 41.
778. |
Sea led quotations are invited from reputed, resourceful, experienced & bona-fide Genuine Spare Parts Dealers/
Suppliers/Firms/Agencies for the supply of the following mentioned spare parts for the general maintenance of
the Tractors (Model: HMT 3522 fx)plying under control of Motor Vehicles Department, HMC, Bally Office.
779. |
Cleaning of pond, removing of jungle, repairing & painting work under HMC.
780. |
Resetting of concrete post including fencing with barbed wire at Howrah Water Works Padmapukur.
781. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing of Street Light & other Lighting within Ward Lane & Bye Lane including painting of S.T. Pole for Ward No-52,53,54,56,57,58,63,64,65,66 under HMC.
782. |
Desilting of high drain starting from Pal Bagan lane to
Dharmatala Lane via Bharat Blade under ward no 54 & 55 under
Howrah Municipal Corporation, Bally area. and Desilting of surface drain from 139, Girish Ghosh Road to back
side of Noori Masjid, under ward:-60, 285-1, G.T.Road to 9-1,
Tarachand Gangully St. under ward:-61, Narsingha Dutta Lane, under ward
no:-61, 4/16, Agrasain St. to 4/P, Duffer
St., under ward no:-62, G.T.Road (Tarachand Gangully
Bus Stop) to Big Bazar, under ward no. 62, Akhra 24, Qtr. (Shivmondir) to
20/73, Sailendhar Road, under ward no:-63, 136/2, Tripura Road to 141/1,
Bhattanagar under ward no:-64. 9-1, Kundan Bye-Lane to 18,
Mirara Road, under ward no:-65. 36, Belgachia Road to 314/25,
Nutanpally, under ward no:-66, Nutanpally to Chattodepara,
under ward no:-66, Panchanantala Bazar to
Belgachia Road (Katgola), under ward no:-66, Nutanpally to Pacha Khal Bazar,
under ward no:-66. 116, Udaygarh to 83/1, Rabindra
Sarani, under ward no:-66. Bally Sub-Office.
783. |
Desilting of high drain starting from Panchanantala Road to Boc
ground via Railway ticket counter, under ward no. 51 & 52, Goswamipara Road to
Panchanantala Road via Radhanath Mukherjee Lane, under ward
no 52 & 53, Satish Chakraborty Lane to
Bireswar Chatterjee Street via Padmababu Road, under ward no.
51, 52 & 54, Mohanlal Bahawal Road to
Ghoshes Lane via Belur Station Road, under ward no 54, 55 and
57, B.B. Ghosh Lane to Bidhan
Pally locally known as HIT drain, under ward no.55, Banku Behari Ghosh Lane to
10 No. Railway Poll, under ward no. 55, Thakwall Road to Thakurdas
Ghosh st., under ward no. 56, Rajen Seth Lane to Simultala
Ghat, under ward no. 58, Tarachand Ganguly Street to
Ramlochan Shire Street, under ward no. 57, 58 & 61, Howrah
Municipal Corporation, Bally area. and Desilting of whole under ground drain of Dr. H.K. Chatterjee St. /
Moinuddin Ansari Road, under ward no. 59, 62, Jaya Biwi Road
upto B.K. Pal Temple Road, with in ward no. 58 & 59, B.K.Pal Temple Road, starting
from Janata School upto Jagarnath Ghat, with in ward no. 58, 59
& 60, Girish Ghosh Road starting
from Jn.of Guha Road upto Abhoy Guha Road, under ward no.60, Abhoy Guha Road, starting
from G.T.Road to Girish Ghosh Road, under ward no.60 & 61 Bally sub-office. and Desilting of surface drain of Jongisingh Basti, under ward no. 61, Matwala Pump House via Bharti
School upto 6, No. pole, under ward no.62, Bansidhar Khetri Lane to 7,
Ahmed Mamuji Street, under ward no. 62, Big Bazar to T.L. Jaiswal
Hospital, under ward no.62, (Civil High drain) from G.T.Road
(Liluah Bodo Gate) via Railway Colony to Matwala Puming
Station, under ward no:-62, (canal) 10 No Railway Pole to
Baidobagan, under ward no:-63, (canal) Baidobagan to Chassipara,
under ward no:-63, Bharpotti via Jagriti School to
Basbagan, at ward no:63, 30/A, Bhujangadhar Road.
(Dharbagan) to 125, Bhujangadhar Road.(Chassipara) at ward
no:63, (canal) Chassipara to Golbari,
under ward no:-63 & 64, 343, Arbindonagar to 79/8,
Bhattanagar, under ward no:-64, Surjonagar to
Athletic Club (Bhattanagar), under ward no:-64, Power House to
Surjonagar, under ward no:-64, 184Mirpara via Ratan Bhavan to
66/A, Surjonagar, under ward no:-64, Mohanala (Saheb-Bagan), under ward
no:-64, Shoni mandir to Kamala Iron,
under ward no:-64 & 65, Aganbari School to Ratan Bhavan,
under ward no:-65, 1/15, Mirpara to Jalarmath, under
ward no:-65, Shantinagar via Basak Bagan to
Milan Sangha, under ward no:-65, (Mohanala), under ward no:-65, Debimondir to 15,
Kumarpara Lane, under ward no:-66, Liluah Ward Office to 15, Central
Library, under ward no:-66, 15 Kumarpara Lane
to Sabankal, under ward no:-66, Star Iron to Debimondir, under
ward no:-66 Bally sub-office.
784. |
Construction of walkway, paved way, seating arrangement, mound, low planter, planter cum seating arrangement etc, & its surrounding garden's greenery at Sailen Manna Stadium under HMC (2nd Call).
785. |
Improvement of water Supply with laying pipe line and proper levelling of 150 mm dia pipe with allied work at Bannerjee Bagan Lane, Ward no - 3.
786. |
Installation of Deep Tube Wells including allied works near Purna Chandra Primary School, Under ward no – 45 of HMC area.
787. |
Installation of a 900 mm dia meter D.I sluice valve and allied works in place of a defunct 900 mm diameter butterfly valve at Belepole More within ward no 42 under Howra Municipal Corporation.
788. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing (M&R) of street & other lighting within Ward Lane & Bye lane for Ward No-51, 55, 59, 60, 61, 62 under HMC.
789. |
Maintenance & Repairing of Trident Decorative Light at Harimohan Bose Road, Dobson Road, M.K. Road & Dr. Abani Dutta Road under HMC area for 3 (three) years.
790. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing (M&R) of Trident Decorative Light at Belur Math approach Road and Electrical renovation Work at Accounts Department including adjacent area of Vivekananda Roadunder Ward No- 57, & bathroom in 2nd Floor, Annexe Building of Howrah Municipal Corporation Head Office with Switch, Board, Wire, Light, Wall Fan, Exhaust Fan, A.C etc. and Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at Santipally, Baksara, Belgachia Road, Panchanantala Natun Bazar & different location under Ward No- 41, 64,65,66 of HMC.
791. |
Due to unavoidable surcumtances following dates has been extended for the above reference tender and other subjects of the tender remain same.
792. |
Purchase of Conservancy Materials for 2nd Shift under West Bengal Urban Employment Scheme in ward no 1 to 50.
Repairing and renovation work of Shibpur Bathing Ghat used for Immersion of Goddess Idols within ward no -37 under H.M.C.
793. |
Quotation for suuply of Spare Parts/Accessories for the TractorsfModel- HMT 3511 /35221 & Trailers
794. |
Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Service for VOLTAS Make 11.0 TR X 2 Nos and 8.75 TR X 1 No Ductable Split Air-Conditioning units installed at Collection Building.
795. |
Supplying fitting & fixing of floor marble, ceramic wall tiles &granite tiles at Salkia Bandha Ghat, under ward No-11, H.M.C.
796. |
Pumping out water from the pump motor floor of the Clear Water Pump House of Howrah Water Works.
797. |
Procurement of KIRLOSKAR make 5 HP and 10 HP capacity water cooling diesel engine pump set fitted by moving trolley with suction and delivery with all fittings complete set at HWWPP.
798. |
Cleaning of all hindrances in the approach roads of the Padmapukur of Howrah Water Works both inside the plant and outside (To facilate free movement of vehicle of all types)
799. |
Supply and fitting, fixing of S.S Neck Ring S.S sleeves and 6315 bearing for reducing the damaged parts and allied accessories for pump no.2 at Raw Water Pumping Station inside A.J.C Bose B Garden Howrah.
800. |
Preparation of Preliminary People Biodiversity Register (P.B.R) in Ward No -1 to 50 under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
801. |
Repairing of Mahindra Maxx Ambulance plying at Silver Jubliee Dispensary & Matrisadan, a Health Unit of thos Corporation.
802. |
(1) Improvement of Water Supply main distribution pipe line at Musalman Para Lane from holding no 9 to 28 Musalman Para Lane (Concrete), within ward no – 22 under Howrah Municipal Corporation. (2) Detection of contamination of foul water at Uttam ghosh Lane and Dharmatala Road under ward no 6 HMC. (3) Improvement of Water supply main distribution pipe laying 160 mm dia HDPE pipe in place of old 125 mm dia CI laying new 110 mm dia HDPE pipe and lower down the existing 110 mm dia HDPE pipe including allied works at Kali Prasad Chakraborty Lane from Holding no 12/1 to 9/4, 10/1/2 & 11/2, within ward no – 23 under Howrah Municipal Corporation. (4) Improvement of Water supply main distribution pipeline by laying 160 mm & 110 mm dia HDPE pipe in place of old 125 mm dia C.I pipe including allied works & Road restoration at Dinu Lane from holing no 1 to 33/6 7 25/1 and Ramkalpa Kha Lane from holding no 8 to 10 within ward no – 23 under Howrah Municipal Corporation. (5) Improvement of Water Distribution main pipe line along a common passage, starting from holding no 24/6/2, Brindabon Mullick Lane to junction of Joydev Kundu Lane and some portion of northern side passage and restoration of concrete passage, within ward no – 23 under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
803. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance work of street Lighting arrangement of ward no-37, 39, Under Borough-VI of HMC.
804. |
Annual operation and maintenance of the underground reservior, and water supply pipe line cum and clear booster pumping station of HMC 4th call.
805. |
Cut & flash work, Improvement for water supply distribution main pipe line, Annual operation and maintenance of system online chlorination, Replacement of existing water pipe line, Improvement of water Supply and laying & proper levelling at various wards under HMC.
806. |
(1) Annual Maintenance of shibpur burning ghat guest house and surrounding garden under H.M.C.
Adm.Apporoval No-COF/AA/2020-21-569
Adm.aprv. Date-08-01-2021.
(2) Annual Maintenance of Bally Pathak Ghat and Surrounding Garden at word no-53, under H.M.C.
Adm.approval no-COF/AA/2020-21-566
(3) Annual Maintenance of Christian Burial Ground under HMC
Adm.Approval No-COF/AA/2020-21-567
(4) Annual Maintenance of Rajen Seth Lane Burial Ground at word no-58 under HMC
Adm.Approval No-COF/AA/2020-21-568
807. |
Supply of 1500 nos two wheeled hand cart for garbage disposal under Howrah Municipal Corporation area (4th Call).
808. |
Improvement of Water Supply with installation of Hand Pumps including other allied works near 12/7, Ganga Dhar Mukherjee Road, 43/1 Nil Kamal Kundu Lane and 15/3 Halder Para Lane, under ward no - 30,31 & 33 of HMC area.
809. |
1.Annual Maintenance of Water Supply pipe line at South Zone including all roads, lanes & bye lanes under ward no - 30 to 41,43,45 & 46 of HMC area. and Annual Maintenance of Primary Grid at Natabar Paul Road, F Road, Belgachia Trenching Ground, Jheel Road, Kali Mazumder Road & Sarat Chatterjee Road (P) from Belepole to 58 Bus Stand. (Dia of pipe = 750mm - 1200 mm dia pipe)
810. |
1. Annual operation and maintenance of the underground reservior cum booster pumping station (UGR no - 6) at Bhattanagar, Liluah and maintenance of different dia valve inside the campus of said UGR including supply of all relevent accessories and equipments if require, Under Bally Sub Office. 5949569.00 COF/AA/ 2020-21/12 118991.00 365 Days 5500.00 and Annual Maintenance of Water Supply pipe line (primary inlet, outlet and ESR filling Primary Grid) and allied works including supplying of requisite materials if required under catchment area of Bhattanagar clear water booster pumping station of HMC
811. |
Annual Maintenance Service contract
for Air Conditioning System
Equipments for 146 nos. different
capacity Split, Window & Ductable
type A.C Machines located at Annexe
Building, Collector Building & Town
Hall Building, Howrah Municipal
Corporation, 4,M.G.Road, Howrah-1
for 1 (One) Year and Supply & Installation of LED,
Fluorescent & Mini High Mast Tower
at Buxarah Village Road, South
Buxarah Lane & Road, Bangal Para
2nd Bye Lane, Andul 1st Bye Lane &
Buxarah 1st bye Lane in Ward No.-
41 under H.M.C.
812. |
1.Construction of cement concrete road at Dharsa Transformer more (Part A) Ward No-47.(BEUP) 2. Construction of cement concrete road at Satasi from Manu Kumar (Part B) Ward No-47. (BEUP) 3. Construction of Bathing Ghaat and cement concrete road path way at Kankar Pukur Ward No.-21. (BEUP) 4. Construction of cement concrete road at 48/10/1 Natobar Pal road near Somnath Mukherjee Ward No. 22. (BEUP) 5.Construction of cement concrete road at Hatpukur near Palodhi, Dilip Sarkar, Alok Pal. (BEUP). 6. Construction of cement concrete road at Hatpukur near Bijoy Sankar Mantu, Ramesh Das, Avijit Chowdhury Ward no. 48. (BEUP). 7. Construction of cement concrete road at 18 to 18/8 Debendra Ganguly Road and 395 to 395/6, G.T.Road(S) Ward No. 40. (BEUP). 8. Construction of Road by Bituminaus at 145, Andul Road near Santosh Tiwary house to Mohindar Jadab house under Ward no.-38. (BEUP). 9. Construction of Road by Bituminaus at 142, Andul Road near Dhara Babu Shop to Dilip Shaw house under Ward no.-38. (BEUP). 10. Construction of road by Bituminous at 139 Andul Road near house of Munna Singh to 3 no. gate under ward no-38. and 11. Construction of road by Bituminous at 141 Andul Road near Sk. Altab house to Joga Ganguly house under ward no-38.
813. |
1. Installation of I no C.C.T.V Camera io tbe parktag azea of Borough-II OfF›ce pretsesia.
2. Annual maintenance of C.C.T.V, L.A.N & Computers ( including repairing & iittallation as per requirement ) of Borough-11 Office, H.M.C for the F.Y 2021-22.
814. |
Preparation of Preliminary People Biodiversity Register (P.B.R) in Ward No -1 to 50 under Howrah Municipal Corporation
815. |
Meeting Resolution Book (100pcs)
8.5” X 13.5” contain 25 pages and green colour ledger paper 100gsm with hard board binding , page numbering and labelling (as per specimen
copy) and Cash Book (100 pcs)
8.5” X 13.5” contain 25 pages and green colour ledger paper 100gsm
with hard board binding , page numbering and labelling (as per specimen copy) and Loan ledger Book (100pcs)
8.5” X 13.5” contain 25 pages and green colour ledger paper 100gsm with hard board binding , page numbering and labelling (as, per specimen
copy) and Savings ledger Book (100pcs)
8.5” X 13.5” contain 25 pages and green colour ledger paper 100gsm with hard board binding , page numbering and labelling (as per specimen
copy) and General ledger Book (100pcs)
8.5” X 13.5” contain 25 pages and green colour ledger paper 100gsm with hard board binding , page numbering and labelling including inside
index, serial number 1 to 5 (as per specimen copy) and Pass Book (2000pcs)
4.75” X 6.75” contain 20 pages and cover with 170gsm white cover paper with single colour printing and centre stitch binding
816. |
Data entry for swasthya sathi under duyare sarkar project. and infrastructure cost for data entry including required all ancillary articles , like supply of computers ect.
817. |
Improvement of roads by Cement Concrete (RMC) and Construction of Lanes at various places under HMC.
818. |
Fabrication and errection of structure of I.E.C. at different Ganga Ghats (35 nos.), Construction and errection for 40 nos. of single bin stand on ground as per drawing and Construction and errection for 15 nos. double bin stand including fabrication as per approved drawing at Ganga Ghats under H.M.C.
819. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance of different lanes, bye lanes, with drains, cover slabs, small vats including desilting of drains on emergency basis as and where required under Ward 23, 28, 29 of Br-IV, HMC.
820. |
Quotations for supply of Spare parts for WB11C 1425 (Model: TATA SUMO Ambulance)- 01 Set Brake Servo, 01 No. Timming Belt and 01 No. Motor Cooling Fan.
821. |
Work of supplying fitting &fixing of PVC Doors as emergency basis in different change room of Ganga Ghat under Howrah Municipal Corporation, with in ward no.51-59.
822. |
Construction of walkway, paved way, seating arrangement, mound, low planter, planter cum seating arrangement etc, & its surrounding garden's greenery at Sailen Manna Stadium under HMC (2nd Call).
823. |
Construction of First Floor Plan of Paediatric Hospital indoor unit over existing building of Indian Red Cross Society, Howrah Unit (2nd Call).
824. |
Colouring of Wall on both side of the entire Foreshore Road up to Sarat Sadan, under HMC (2nd Call).
825. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing of electrical equipments (except A.C. Machine) in 15 Nos. UPHC Buildings under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
826. |
Annual Maintenance cost of 15 Nos. AC Machine of 15 Nos different UPHC Building under Howrah Municipal Corporation and Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at Baltikuri near Goutam Chatterjee under Ward No- 50 of HMC in BEUP Scheme.
827. |
Distribution wiring in proposed UPHC Building at various places under HMC and Replacement of Old Trident Lights Fittings with new one at Foreshore Road (Both Side).
828. |
Installation of Deep Tube Wells and allied works and Laying of HDPE pipes at various wards under HMC.
829. |
Construction of structural Shade in Banstala Burning Ghat.
830. |
Construction of crematorium RCC shade at Banstala Burning Ghat under HMC.
831. |
Repairing and renovation work of various covered garbage vat at 25 & 5 no. wards under HMC.
832. |
Supply of 45,000 pcs Mutation Form-2 (Saleable Form).
833. |
Supply of 30 pcs Birth Register-100 Folio, 30 pcs Birth Register-50 Folio, 30 pcs Death Register-100 Folio, 30 pcs Death Register-50 Folio, 25 nos Attendance Register and 50 nos Master Roll.
834. |
Supply of 10 pcs Certificate Register(Record Department).
835. |
Supply of 95 nos. Money Receipt (Health Department).
836. |
Repairing of road by Cement Concrete and paver block work at various wards under HMC.
837. |
Annual Maintenance (Non-Comprehensive) of Leased line connectivity from Bally Office to Liluah word office and Annual Maintenance (Non-Comprehensive) of bridge line connectivity from Bally Office to Belur word office.
838. |
Lifting, Washing and Cleaning of Night Soil accumulated in septic tanks / any other public latrine / place on various Road, Lanes Bye Lanes, of the Land of HMC area by Cesspool Vehicle and uploading the same at BT ground for 1 year (2nd Call).
839. |
Supplying (Hire Basis), Operation & Maintenance of 1 No. 20 KVA, 3 phase, 415V D.G. Set for providing backup Power at Patit Paban Arogya Niketan, 230, G.T.Road, Belur under Bally Office of H.M.C.
840. |
Repairing and renovation work of six (6) nos. Covered garbage vats at i) Jana gate (near side of rail gate), ii) 51/3, Nabanaritola 1st bye lane (near maila depot), iii) 19/1, Andul Road (Unkar car bazar), iv) Sarat Chatterjee Road (near 2nd bridge Kona Exp Way), v) Danesh Sk Lane (opp Power House), vi) Padma Pukur Treatment Plant Road, within ward no.-41, under Howrah Municipal Corporation (2nd Call).
841. |
Repairing & Renovation of Drain, Reconstruction of Damage Sewer Line through Binany Metal and Construction of a brick built type culvert covered with R.C.C slab at various places under HMC.
842. |
Desilting of sewer line, Cleaning and removing water Hyacinth & silt from water body, Construction & upliftment of slabs / culverts with Gullypits, Materials of consumables required for minor maintenance and day to day operation at various places under HMC.
843. |
Supply of 1 Pc. Paper Shredder Machine (Brand Name – KORES 852 and 15 Sheet cross cut shredder with 28 litre bin capacity).
844. |
Supply of 30 nos. Notice Book (Health Dept.) 50 X 2 (each book).
845. |
Supply of 500 nos. M.R. Books (Record Dept.)
846. |
Supply of 4000 nos. Life Certificate Form (Annexure "D").
847. |
Repairing & Renovation of various schools under HMC.
848. |
Various works related Water Supply Department.
849. |
Supply of Conservancy Cleaned Items.
850. |
Supply for 350 Pcs Eveready Torch (JOSH).
851. |
Construction of Changing room( for female ) at Shibpur Burning Ghat in ward No-35, under H.M.C.
Adm.Approval No-COF/AA/2020-21-460
Adm.Aprv. Date-29-09-2020
852. |
Supply & Installation of LED Flood Light at various places under HMC in BEUP Scheme, Revised Estimate for distribution wiring in 12 Nos. Toto charge station at different location and New Installation of Demolished Trident Poles & Fittings, Led Street Lights & Mini High Mast Light Fittings within Durgapur Abhoy Nagar G.P.-I under Bally Jagacha Block, Howrah for AMPHAN Disaster.
853. |
Renovation of Bathroom, Painting Works and Baricading with Tin shed at inter side of the East Gallery in Sailen Manna Stadium under HMC (2nd Call).
854. |
Cleaning, Washing (inside and outside premises) with Gallery and toilet at Indoor Stadium for one year, Cleaning of Jungle and uprooting grasses etc of Children Park near water treatment plant at Andul 1st bye Lane (Bakultala) for one time and Maintenance of Bonolata Park for Six months at Beherapara Road under HMC.
855. |
Annual Maintenance (Non-Comprehensive) of Leased line connectivity from Bally Office to Liluah word office and Annual Maintenance (Non-Comprehensive) of bridge line connectivity from Bally Office to Belur word office.
856. |
Supply of 400 bags lime powder (50 kgs each bag).
857. |
Supply of various Conservancy Items.
858. |
859. |
For work of New Steel Joist for Wooden Reactor at Belur Mora Pora Ghat under Howrah Municipal Corporation, with in ward no.58.
860. |
Supply of Conservancy Materials for 1st Shift under West Bengal Urban Employment Scheme in ward no 1 to 50 (Belcha with handle 825 Pcs., Khapchi with handle 487 pcs. Brush with handle 696 Pcs.Coconut Broom 1250 kg. Broom sticks 668 & Whistle 352 Pcs.) in H.M.C.
861. |
Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at Shantinagar Road, 2nd bye lane ( near Shantinagar Primary School) under Ward No.-45 of HMC.
862. |
Re- Construction of two nos. of covered garbage vat (1) Near Volleyball Math at Jagacha , (2) Opposite of Satasi Cricket Club in ward no 47 and Repairing and renovation work of 5 (five) nos. covered garbage vats (1) Asha Bari (Drainage Cannel Road ) , (2) Indian Machinery (Howrah Amta Road) , (3) K.N. Company (Kamar Danga Road) (4) Sheyaldanga Health Home (5) Sibaji Sangha within ward no -49 under HMC.
863. |
Annual Repairing & Maintanance of different lanes, bye lanes, with drains, cover slabs, small vats including desilting of drains on emergency basis as and where required under Ward 26, 27, 28 and 29 of Br-IV, H.M.C and Supply of Tubewell Spares Parts and Equipments for Maintamance of Tubewell and Annual Maintanance of Water Cooler and Purifire Machine in different spots in different Wards under Br-IV, H.M.C.
864. |
Repairing of roads by Cement Concrete work at various wards under HMC.
865. |
Construction of a room for operator at Shibpur Burning Ghat under ward No-35, H.M.C.
Adm.Approval No-COF/AA/2020-21-292
Adm.Aprv. Date-16-09-2020
866. |
Desilting of drain from Dasarath Ghosh Lane to Victoria Iron Company, under ward no. 9. For three months, Estimate for Kachcha drain from 'B' Road to Jheel Road, under Ward No.07, Desilting of drain from 'D' Road to 'C' Road, Under Ward No.07 andRepairing of rain water pipes and other anciallary works at Howrah Police Commissionerate, at 28, Nityadhan Mukherjee Road, Howrah -711101, under ward no.29, HMC.
867. |
Estimate for cleaning with anciary works of sewerline at Belgachia Treaching Ground, under ward no. 07 & 66.
868. |
Supply of 1500 nos two wheeled hand cart for garbage disposal under Howrah Municipal Corporation area (3rd Call).
869. |
Removal of structures of Jagadhatri Idols in the year 2020 & Saraswati Idols in the year 2021 from different Nos. of Ghats on Western side of river Ganga in(1-50 no. wards) after immersion.
870. |
Maintainance of Pipe Line ( Water Supply ) with allied works at different roads / lanes in Ward No. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 within the jurisdiction of Borough-1, for a duration of 1 Year.
871. |
Lifting, Washing and Cleaning of Night Soil accumulated in septic tanks / any other public latrine / place on various Road, Lanes Bye Lanes, of the Land of HMC area by Cesspool Vehicle and uploading the same at BT ground for 1 year.
872. |
Annual Operation & Maintenance including supply installation & repairing works for AC System, total sound system, lighting system at Sarat Sadan Auditorium I & II, Seminar Hall & other area, Operation & Maintenance work of Stage Craft at Sarat Sadan Hall-I & II, Regular cleaning works of all internal parts, Park Garden, pathways, Lake of children park at Sarat Sadan Complex.
873. |
Operation & Maintenance of 2 Sets. Bucket machine (Zone –A, B, C), Operation and Maintenance including routine, preventive and repairing works of 1 no. Jet Cum Suction Machine mounted on 16 Ton HVC chassis and Operation & Supervision of wall mounted Control Panel along with accessories at Panchanantala DPS.
874. |
Purchase of 40nos. Two Wheeled Hand Cart, 735 Pcs. Belcha with wooden handel , 945 Pcs. Brush with wooden handel ,1015 kg. Coconut Broom, 370 pcs. Broom stick , 93 Pcs. Kodal with wooden handel, 428 Pcs. 8” Kapchi with wooden handel, 54 pcs. Gaita with wooden handel & 25 Pcs. Balti for Conservancy Department in ward no 1-50 under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
875. |
Removal of carcass from different points with-in the area of Howrah Municipal Corporation (Ward no 1-50) and unload the same at Belgachia Trenching Ground of HMC.By suitable covered vehicle (approve by Govt.) for 1 year and Purchase of 3900 pair Gloves, 3900 Pcs. Masks, 600 Pcs. Aprons 60 pair Gumboot & 252 Pcs. E- cart cover for Conservancy Department of ward no 1-50 under Howrah Municipal Corporation for Covid 19.
876. |
Construction of a covered garbage vat in front of 247,Andul Road within ward no 45 and laying of cement concrete pipe and construction of surface drain at Belgachia Trenching Ground near “F Road near old Hot Mix Plant’’ within ward no -8 under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
877. |
Construction work of Salkia Hindu School, Howrah. (BEUP), Mini-indoor complex near Jatadhari Park of Salkia, North Howrah (Ph-IV) (Ph-V) (BEUP), small area in front of Rangoli Mall into Greenary Park, under HMC. (BEUP) and Installation and Supply of 16 pc 4 mega pixel bullet IP Camera at Bipradas Chatterjee Lane, Upendranath Roy Lane and G.T. Road under W-34. (BEUP).
878. |
Supply of spare parts and tools, Planks of tube wells & pipeline works for 1(one) year.
879. |
Purchase of different Printing items to be used at Silver Jubilee Dispensary & Matri Sadan, a Health Unit of Howrah Municipal Corporation, Bally Sub-Office.
880. |
Repairing and renovation work of six (6) nos.Covered garbage vats at i) Jana gate (near side of rail gate), ii) 51/3, Nabanaritola 1st bye lane (near maila depot), iii) 19/1, Andul Road (Unkar car bazar), iv) Sarat Chatterjee Road (near 2nd bridge Kona Exp Way), v) Danesh Sk Lane (opp Power House), vi) Padma Pukur Treatment Plant Road, within ward no.-41, under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
881. |
Annual Maintenance of water supply pipe lines of central zone covering all roads, lanes bye lpane under Borough - III, IV, part of Borough - VII (Ward no - 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29, 42,44,48) in Central Zone under HMC, South Zone including all roads, lanes & bye lanes under ward no - 30 to 41,43,45 & 46 of HMC area, from the boundary wall of Padmapukur Water Treatement Plant, via Bangal Para 2nd Bye Lane and adjoining areas all along Drainage Cannel Road, East West Road upto crossing of East West Road & Belilious Road in Central Zone under HMC. (Higher dia pipe = 750mm, 900mm, 1000 mm, 1200 mm, 1200 mm, 1575 mm) and Annual Maintenance of Primary Grid at Natabar Paul Road, F Road, Belgachia Trenching Ground, Jheel Road, Kali Mazumder Road & Sarat Chatterjee Road (P) from Belepole to 58 Bus Stand. (Dia of pipe = 750mm - 1200 mm dia pipe)
882. |
Operation of pump for the Deep tube well at 58 Molla Para Lane Under Ward no 37 of HMC area and Buxrah Thakur Pukur Pump House, ward no - 45
883. |
Annual operation and maintenance of the underground reservior cum booster pumping station (UGR no - 6) at Bhattanagar, Liluah and maintenance of different dia valve inside the campus of said UGR including supply of all relevent accessories and eqiupment if require, Under Bally Sub Office.
Annual Maintenance of Water Supply pipe line (primary inlet, outlet and ESR filling Primary Grid) and allied works including supplying of requisite materials if required under catchment area of Bhattanagar clear water booster pumping station of HMC
884. |
Laying 110mm water supply pipe line near Rabin Bera and Prodip Majhi (Ward No.-22) and Construction of cement concrete road at different Places under HMC.
885. |
Annual Maintenance (Non-Comprehensive) of E-Governance Server cum Oracle Application & Database Server and Data Backup Management.
886. |
Renovation of Salkia Electric Crematorium
887. |
Removal of structures of Durga, Laxmi & Kali Idols from different Nos. of Ghats on Western side of river Ganga in(1-50 no. wards) after immersion in the year 2020.
888. |
Estimate for Construction of Slab after repairing of Cross Drain from 151, Sree Ram Dhang Road to 43, Sree Ram Dhang Road at ward no. 5
889. |
Renovation and repairing of the electrical furnace unit No-1 (COVID-19) at Shibpur Burning Ghat under HMC.
890. |
Annual maintenance of Banstala Burning Ghat.
891. |
Desilting of drain from 3 No., Bharatmata Colony to Sukanta Pally, under ward no 50.
892. |
Renovation of drain, Desilting of drain, Construction of 2 Nos new Manhole Chambers by cutting existing sewerline (NP-3) pipe etc.
893. |
Annual routine preventive maintenance of 10 nos. electrical actuator operated butterfly valves situated at Clear Water Pumping Station Howrah Water Works Padmapukur Plant, Howrah Municipal Corporation.
894. |
Renovation of drain from Shalimar 1 No. Gate to Saradamoni Girls School, under ward no. 40.
895. |
Renovation of drain & cross drain, desiltation of drains and replacing Manhole covers & Gully pits at various places under HMC
896. |
Desilting of Drain, Renovation of 3 nos cross Drain, Estimate for repairing of Brick Sewer Line by concreting and with other anciallary works and Estimate for cleaning & removing of floating materials from oxidation pond at different Places under HMC.
897. |
Lifting & Removal of Carcass, i.e., dead bodies of stray dogs / cats / cows / buffaloes / pigs etc. on daily basis for a period of one year accumulated in the earmarked spots / vats or from any places on roads, lanes by-lanes etc. from Ward No. 51 – 66 of HMC and to dispose the same in the Municipal Trenching Ground by suitably road-worthy covered vehicle
898. |
Purchase of ECG Report Card to be used at Patit Paban Arogya Niketan, a health unit of Bally Sub-Office, Howrah Municipal Corporation.
899. |
Repairing and renovation work of a covered garbage vat at different Places under HMC.
900. |
Form-7 Birth Report Form 80 GSM Pink Mapleatho Paper Size : 9'' x 14'' with both side printing and Form – 8 Death Report Form 80 GSM Yellow Mapleatho Paper Size : 9'' x 14'' with both side printing
901. |
Purchase of various consumables Stationary Items to be used at Bally Sub-Office of Howrah Municipal Corporation
902. |
New Installation of Demolished Street Light Pole & Fitting and Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at Different Places under HMC.
903. |
Repairing of the rotating assembly and supply of 2 nos. neck ring and 1 C.I coupling with allied accessories including commissioning of Jyoti make H.S Pump no 9 at Clear Water Pumping Station at HWW Padmapukur.
904. |
Protection of Roof of Clear Water Pumping Station.
905. |
Hearse Van Body fabrication on TATA GOLD ACE BS-VI
906. |
Improvement of Water Supply by new laying of 250 mm dia part by M.S. and part by D.I pipe from Santragachi More to 14/3, Ramcharan Sett Road (Near Kalpana Clinic) along with other incidental works in ward no - 48
907. |
Operation of pump for the deep tube well at Different Places under HMC.
908. |
Supply & Installation of LED Lighting arrangement at Panthasala and Supply & Fixing of cable in Conservancy Sector 5A office
909. |
New Installation of Demolished Street Light Pole & Fitting and Supply & Installation of LED Street Light at Different Places under HMC.
910. |
New Installation of Demolished Street Light Pole & Fitting and Supply & Installation of LED Mini High Mast Tower, LED Street Light & Flood light at Different Places under HMC.
911. |
Annual Maintenance Contract for all Computers & Printers for including Bally sub office, Belur Ward Office, Liluah Ward Office, Pathak para jol Tank and other Municipal hospitals and health unit.
912. |
Consultation regarding GST work
913. |
Consultation regarding Income Tax work
914. |
Supply of 1500 nos two wheeled hand cart for garbage disposal under Howrah Municipal Corporation area (2nd Call).
915. |
Desilting of Drain from the Junction of G.T. Road and Kali Mujumder Road to Railway Culvert No.-6 under ward no. 03.
916. |
Urgent Desilting of Mou Khal to prevent Diarrhea and epidemic under ward no 47
917. |
Improvement and Repairing of Roads at various ward under HMC.
918. |
Repairing and renovation work of 3(Three) nos. Covered garbage vats at (1)in front of 102/3 Cows Ghat Road ,ward no -36 (2) in front of 9,Ganga Dhar Mukherjee Road, ward no -30 & (3) in front of 493/B/1 G.T Road ward no -36 under Howrah Municipal Corporation.
919. |
Quotation for supply spare Parts/accessories for the Tractors for Motor Vehicle Department, B.S.O, H.M.C.
920. |
Annual Maintenance & Repairing work of Street Light at different Road, Lane & Bye Lane under Ward No-49 & 50 under Br-VII of HMC.
921. |
Repairing, overhauling including heat varnishing of a 6.0 KV, 300 KW motor at Raw Water Pumping Station inside A.J.C Bose B Garden. (2nd Call)
922. |
Repairing, overhauling and painting of M.S Bridge structure of raw water pipe line (1200 mm dia.) at A.J.C Bose I.B Garden at HWWPP. (2nd Call)
923. |
Repairing of Pump No. 03 including supply, fitting, fixing and supply of S.S Neck Ring, GM Bush and 6315 bearing with repairing of expansion joint at Raw Water Pumping Station inside A.J.C Bose, B Garden.
924. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance work of Street Lighting arrangement under Br-VI of HMC.
925. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance work of Street Lighting arrangement under Br-VI of HMC.
926. |
Annual Repairing & Maintenance work of Street Lighting arrangement under Br-VI of HMC.
927. |
Annual Maintenance of Primary & Secondary grid of pipeline including supply of all requisite materials & allied works, if any at Bally sub office area (Ward no – 51 to 66) & along G.T Road from Srirampur to Bally Khal under H.M.C.
928. |
Annual operation and maintenance of the underground reservior cum booster pumping station, Annual Maintenance of Water Supply pipe line.
929. |
Maintenance of Deep Tube Well at Different Location at HMC.
930. |
Annual Maintenance of Primary & Secondary grid of pipeline including supply of all requisite materials & allied works at various ward in HMC area.
931. |
5 Nos. Tender regarding Maintenance of Water Supply pipe line in various ward.
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